Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

Later today, my prediction was correct. My mother had baked again. I could smell the baked goods from my room as Dinah drooled all over the place.

"Mila...cake." She said mindlessly.

"I know. She'll call us down when its ready." I reminded her.

"I can already taste it. Yes and there's no one here to take my chocolate dream away from me." Dinah smiled like an idiot, imagining the taste of her soon to be cake.

"I know. Thank god were safe here. Or else I couldn't be able to eat the famous Cabello brownies without getting them taken away from me every time."

"Almost safe." Dinah said pointing at Lauren's house next door.

"D chill. I don't even think she knows I live here, let alone exist."

"Ouuu, Lauren Jauregui after hours, I wonder what she's like."

"Probably like-able."

"We can only dream," Dinah said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"MIJA. DINAH. THE CAKE AND BROWNIES ARE READY." I heard my mom yell from down stairs.

In that second, Dinah ran down stairs. I chuckled and followed after her. In the kitchen, I found her sitting on the counter stuffing her face with her beloved chocolate cake. I think I almost saw her shed a tear.

"Thank you, Lord. Thank you," She said with her hands up in the air.

My mom and I just laughed at her.

As I was about to grab a brownie, my mother stopped me. "Mija, before you get one, can you do me a quick favor?"

I sighed, "Sure mama, que?"

She took out a container filled with brownies out of the fridge and handed them to me.

My eyes widened. "For me?" I smiled.

"No." She said tapping my nose. "There a thank you for the Jauregui's. Clara has helped me out with next month's benefit dinner and I want to thank her for it. Go next door and deliver these for me."

I felt my heart beat accelerate. "Next door?!"

"Si. Next door. Now hurry on, I don't know how much longer these sweets are going to last with Dinah around," My mother joked.

"She's right." Dinah said with a mouth full of cake. "I'll be here." She said emphasizing the here, meaning she didn't want to accompany me.

"Okay," I sighed.

I made my way over to the Jauregui's residence. When I got to their door step, I hesitated and looked at my feet for a while. I was scared that the wrong Jauregui would answer the door. I was afraid that she would shut the door in my face or do something as equally tormenting. I even considered throwing the brownies away and saying that I did give it to them, but I knew my mother would eventually find out that they weren't delivered because she and Clara were so close.

I sighed. "Okay Camila, you can do this."

I rang the door bell.

I waited patiently and tapped my foot. I couldn't help but be nervous. I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer by the second. Then the door knob slowly turned. I gulped. The door flew open revealing Lauren standing in the door way. She raised her brow at me.

I took in her beautiful features and how cute she looked in her lounge wear. She wore pink pj shorts, a white band tee and rabbit slippers. Her hair was messily pushed back and loosely curled from earlier today.

I noticed that I had been staring for too long. Say something.

"Uh. Hi."

She pointed at me and squinted. "Bows right?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm Camila. Camila Cabello.

She nodded. "Right . . . so what's up?"

I looked at the container and handed it to her.

She awkwardly accepted it.

"What's this?" She asked holding it up to her face.

"My mom baked some goods for you guys, as a thank you. Your mom's been great help with the upcoming benefit for the debutante society thing they're in."

She furrowed her brows. "And my mom knows your mom how?"

I hesitated. Should I tell her? Yeah Camila what's the worse she can do? Egg you? Probably.

"They're neighbors."

"Neighbors? So you and me..." She began to say.

"Yeah..." I interrupted her.

"Holy shit since when?" She asked surprised.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Since four years ago I think."

"Hmph. Small world huh?" She said opening the container. "Looks yummy. Just like the bite I had at school. Tell your mom thanks."

"Okay." I said nervously not knowing if I should say bye to her or just leave. I did option two. I spun on my heel and began to walk away.

"And Bows."

I turned around to see her take a bite out of a brownie.

"Yeah?" I asked.

She held out the brownie with a huge chuck bitten out of it to me. "For earlier today."

I hesitated to grab it. This has to be a joke.

I gulped and got it from her. She winked before closing the door. I stood there for a few seconds, confused as hell. Then realized that I had held something in my hand that had touched her lips. I looked at the brownie. There was red lipstick on the edges were she took a bite.

"Dear lord." I murmured.

I walked away from her porch and onto my own. I sat there looking at the brownie, revisiting the memory. I hate how she doesn't even try, and she's still hot. I shook my head and took a bite out of the brownie. I smiled instantly. I loved my mom's brownies, they were my favorite, but what made it better this time was knowing that her lips had left their taste their too.

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