Chapter 60

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Camila's POV

The rest of the day went by rather smoothly. My parents engaged in easy conversation about our grandmother who was visiting in a few days while Sofi was hogging Lauren the whole time.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous at the fact that Lauren seemed to like my sister more than she liked me and vice versa.

I didn't know what it was about Lauren but she had a way with kids...a way with everyone really. And Sofi really seemed to like her.

Towards the end of the night, my sister showed Lauren the drawing she made for her. It was a Snow White tiger with green eyes.

Lauren smiled at the drawing and promised to frame it in her room when she got home later that night. And she did. The next morning she sent me a picture of her posing in front of it with her tongue sticking out between her teeth while throwing up a piece sign. I rolled my eyes at my girlfriend's childish attempt to tease me and sent her a picture of me flipping her off.

I refused to look at my phone after that because I knew what she would reply. After all, at this point I knew her better than anybody.

Later that day at lunch, I managed to get a glimpse of Lauren from across the cafeteria. She was sitting by herself within a crowd of people trying to get on her good side.

Ever since she and the preps had gone their separate ways, cheerleaders and jocks had been flocking to her like lost geese.

She ignored each and every one of them but that still didn't stop them from trying.

She made eye contact with me and sighed. I knew she was a little upset with me because I kept her from picking up her order of rehab today. But hey, it was the right thing and even she knew it. She just hated how right I was.

I too sighed and rested my chin against the palm of my hand.

"What's wrong Mila? Why so blue?" Darren asked with a pout.

"I'm not. I'm just a little stressed."

"How come?" Dinah asked.

"Lauren kinda has a problem and I'm trying to find a way to fix it."

"What type of problem?" Ally asked.

I sighed again.

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad." Normani pushed.

"Well, you see..she needs dope..." I inaudibly murmured.

"She what?" Ally asked.

I covered the side of my mouth and whispered, "She needs dope."

Everyone burst into a fit laughter.

"Dope? That's it? You can get that anywhere!" Darren almost yelled.

"Not her. Aparentely her provider is out of town and doesn't want to find another one because it'll start some gang war or something." I said rolling my eyes at how stupid that sounds.

"Ouuu, yeah she's right about that one." Darren said through grunted teeth.

How would he know?

"I can get her some if she wants." Darren offered.

"You can?!"

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