Chapter 9

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Camila's POV

After school, like I promised I would, I went shopping with Darren, Ally, Dinah and Mani. We went to the Miami plaza to start off our fashion montage. Well at least their fashion montage. Because I hate shopping. Particularly because I really sucked at it. I wasn't like Darren or Lauren. They always knew what went together and what looked good. And I on the other hand didn't.

I tried to distance myself from them and the stores. But that only made them want to involve me in more.

I swear we were at the mall for over 4 hours now. The girls and Darren were able to find their outfits easily while I had a hard time. We spent most of the time waiting after me, as I tried on outfit, after outfit, dress after dress until I finally stepped out of the dressing room for the 293837383 time.

"MILA..OUU." Dinah said fanning her self.

"It's that one girl. That's the one." Mani smiled.

"YASS MILA. This dress is perfect for you." Ally clapped enthusiastically.

"You look gorgeous babe." Darren smiled.

"FINALLY." I exhaled. Now let's go. I'm hungry." I whined.

They all laughed at my reaction.

I shook my head, and got back into the dresser. I undressed myself and got back into my old unfashionable clothes.

When I walked out I had purchased my dress and we went home.


I have survived the rest of the week and made it to today, Friday. I managed to get through the past couple days of school with my friends, Lauren's shunning, avoiding, and her glares. I really didn't get her, but I shook it off. I was going to my first high school part and I had to be ready. I looked into my hand bag. "Disinfecting wipes, check. My own water bottle, check. Converse, check. Tissue, check. Aspirin, check and pepper spray, check."

"Mila, you really don't need all that." Mani said eyeing my purse.

"You can never be too unprepared. This is a high school party after all. Expect the unexpected." I told her.

Mani shrugged. "I'm just saying."

"Yeah don't make us look more square than we already are." Dinah groaned.

"Don't worry Dinah, I got it." I reassured her. "I won't get near Siope with my handy supplies that may or may not save his life." I joked.

They all laughed at me.

"Oh Mila. I think it's cute that you're bringing all that stuff." Ally smiled.

"Thank you." I winked at Ally.

As I set my purse down on my dresser my door flew open.

"Greetings My Princesses! Who's ready to princess diaries in this bitch?" Darren said coming in with a metal rolling cart full of beauty supplies.

"Whoo!" Mani cheered. "Let's do this!"

Darren put his arm on my desk and slid all of my stuff off of it. My jaw dropped. "DARREN, I HAD THAT ALL ORGANIZED."

"I know. I just wanted to hear you talk to me again, looks like it worked." He smiled.

I shot him a death glare.

"Anyways, so who's first?" He said setting down a bunch of make up cases, hair irons, brushes and sprays on top of my dresser.

"Me!" Dinah yelled.

"Cometh Dinah." Darren said patting my desk chair.

Darren worked all of the girls. Transforming them into beautiful angels and completely smoking hot girls. It was a little weird seeing them like this. So perfect. But now it was my turn. Darren patted the chair and motioned his other had for me to come.

I grunted and sat down. He out on minimal make up. Mascara, eyeliner, and pink lip gloss.He then curled my hair and pinned it to my right side and let all of my curls sit in front of my right shoulder. I couldn't see myself yet since the mirror was in the bathroom. I was nervous because I've never let anyone else do my make up and hair. Especially not Darren, I don't trust him, even if he is a genius. I had too this time though.

He smiled at his masterpiece. "God if I wasn't gay, Mila I'd totally fuck you right now. Good thing Lauren will though." He joked earning a laugh from everyone. I punched his arm playfully. "Come on let me see." I said trying to get up.

He pushed me back down into my seat. "Nope. Put your dress on first."He said handing me it. I groaned and did what he said. I walked into the bathroom with my back still faced to the girls.

I first looked at myself in the mirror...Darren was right. I did look really pretty. I couldn't believe it, I actually looked pretty! I snapped out if it when I heard a knock on the door.

"Mila hurry up. I want to see you!" I heard Dinah say through the door.

"Just a minute." I said taking out the dress out of it's bag. Then quickly slipping into it.

The dress was mint green, had sweetheart neckline with a beautifully pleated and padded bust, gorgeous charcoal roses peppering both sides of the dress, perfect ladylike A-line skirt, and a centered rear-zip closure to finish. It was absolutely adorable. I was tempted to wear a bow, but that wasn't an option. Especially with those preps there, I'd never hear the end of it.

"MILA, YOUR HEELS. WE CANT FORGET THE HEELS." I heard Darren say through the door. He slightly opened the door and handed me them.

"Thanks Dar."

"No problem. And hurry they're dying to see you!" He almost sang.

"Coming." I retorted, while slipping on the black strapless close toed heels he handed me. I took one last look in the mirror. Okay. Come on Camila, your gonna go into the party looking hot. Ignore Lauren and the preps and have a great time. It's the only party your ever gonna go to this year. Live it up.

I took one last deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

I heard everyone gasp.

"Is it that bad?" I asked worried.

"Bad? MILA YOUR SMOKING!"Mani blurted out.

Ally fanned herself. "Girl..."

"Damn Mila, You look like a freaking super model. I think you're gonna get laid tonight. Well you and Lauren." Dinah joked.

I shot her a glare. "You guys are dorks. Are we going or what?" I asked them grabbing my black hand bag.

"Yeah just let me dress myself and fix my hair really quick. I need to look nice too, you're not the only one impressing someone." Darren said making his way to my bathroom.

We all waited patiently, when he appeared he wore a Blazer with fantastic peak lapels and in a beautiful dark shade of blue, a red and blue button up check shirt, white dress pants, brown basket woven slip ons and brown framed ray bans with white legs. To finish off his look, he gelled his hair into a perfect quiff.

"Fuck you Darren." I told him.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Look at you! You're fashionable without even trying." I retorted.

They all roared in laughter.

"And you look like a princess...scratch that a queen." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Come on." He said putting his arm around me. "We got a party to go to!"

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