Chapter 68: Part 2

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Narrator's POV

But she didn't want to believe that. She refused to believe that. Because Lauren was too important. More important than the beauty she brought to her life. She figured that yes, beautiful things didn't last forever. But that didn't mean that they weren't worth fighting for.

Before she could even comprehend it, she was running and climbing up the mass of rock faster than she ever did before.

The green eyed girl tightly clenched the piece of paper in her hand as tears ran down her already drenched face. She hated her. She hated her father. But most of all she hated Cara's father. She always hated him, but now, she despised him with every fiber in her body because she discovered the truth. She realized that the real person who played the chess game of her life wasn't her father, it was him.

And the worst part was, she was right about the case. It didn't bring her the closure she thought it would. It didn't free her. Instead, she freed her abuser from the one she had been trying to run away from all her life. And maybe...maybe the case wasn't meant to bring her closure anyway. Because after all, nothing can bring a person closure but their own selves. Something which Lauren had not been able to fully do. And now, she didn't think she ever would. The pain and hate she felt in her heart was nothing like she had felt in the past. She wanted to die. She wanted to end the suffering that was her life. The lie that it all was. But through her dark thoughts, there was one truth that shined through. And that was nothing other than her girlfriend; who seemed to be the only thing real in her life. And although she loved her with every part of her heart, she couldn't help but hate herself for ruining such a beautiful person. For putting her though the lie that was her life to only hurt hers. She didn't regret making Camila happy. In fact, that was the only thing she valued. But, she couldn't deny that since their relationship, Camila did not only become distracted with the destruction that was her life, but had lost herself within it. Their love had become obsessive. But only obsessive in the way that it became reckless, and where they had forgotten what it meant to really live without each other. Because when someone enters your life, you were a full and complete and happy person, and you will continue to remain one, even when their gone because they weren't and don't complete you. But that wasn't the case. It was never the case. They were each others worlds. Her world just managed to gobble up the both of them. And Lauren, couldn't help but hate herself for it. Because that's not what love is. Lauren couldn't help but think.

As she watched the waves crash against the rocks, she realized that maybe Camila Cabello could live without her. Because maybe then, she'd learn what it really meant to love, and live her life. Maybe then, she would understand that her life is beautiful enough to withstand the one Lauren couldn't give her. The one she didn't even want to give herself. But then again, she couldn't imagine a world without Camila Cabello.

And that...was exactly the problem. Because she didn't want to see anything but a world with Camila Cabello. A world that the brown eyed girl could make her own.

Without her in it.

As her erratic heart beat against her aching chest, Lauren tightly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She tried to free her mind from the burdens of her life and just focused on the only precious gift life had managed to give her.

Camila had been able to give Lauren a forever in a number of days. And because of that, Lauren believed in miracles again. But miracles, are miracles for a reason.

And that's the thing about miracles. They don't last forever. And maybe they're not meant to last forever. But in that moment, as I felt indescribably infinite, I realized that my miracle, lasted as long as it needed too. And that she was more than a lifetime could offer.

"Goodbye Camz." She whispered before she stepped off and released her body to the world.

Camila had just made it in time to hear her girlfriend's words before she ran and jumped off after her; reaching out to her as she fell along with her. The echo of Camila's voice screaming her name caused Lauren's eyes to snap open and see the brown eyed girl's arms reached out to her. And before she knew it, she felt the smaller girl's arms wrapped around her body just before everything went blank.


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