Chapter 35

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Narrators POV

For the rest of the night, Camila and Lauren fell asleep in each others arms. Although the hospitality of a feternity house did not really appeal to Camila's idea of a safe place to spend the night, it would have to do.

The next morning, Lauren had woken up before Camila did. Soberly, she rubbed her eyes to rid herself of sleep. Once she was half awake, she slowly sat up and looked around to see where she had ended up. When her eyes met the beautiful brunette that was sleeping peacefully beside her, she instantly smiled; remembering fragments of what happened night before.

She remembered half of what she said. But remembered most of what Camila had said to her. Lauren could recall that she was high and that Camila was with her during the nightmare that she went through. But apart from that, Camila's words stayed imprinted in her mind. " I choose you Lauren."

And that was all she needed to wake up in a good mood. Something that she hasn't done in a while. Lauren stared back at the girl she loved as she mumbled random things, " Dinah please don't kill me. I'm sorry I ate your cake. Please..." She said closing her eyes tightly in fear.

Lauren chuckled heartily and shook the smaller brunette's body. "Camz."

Camila groaned, "What."

"I think you were having a nightmare."

She grumbled, "I know. Go away."

"Excuse me?" Lauren asked amusingly quirking up a brow.

"Let me sleep." Camila said throwing the covers over her head.

Lauren chuckled before she sat on top of Camila and straddled her. "Rise and shine sweetheart." Lauren said roughly shaking Camila's body to annoy her on purpose.

"Lauren stop." Camila said swating at the taller brunette.

"Make me." Lauren challenged.

"I'm not in the mood right now." Camila said hoping that would get rid of Lauren.

"Liar." Lauren simply cooed into Camila ear.

"Ugh fuck you Lauren."

"What time?"

In that mere second Camila's eyes shot open and her face turned red. "Wait what?"

"What time?"

"How about a quarter to never?"

Lauren's jaw dropped in surprise. But soon after turned into a smirk, " What? Was I not gentle the first time?"

Camila practically chocked on her own saliva.

"No, you were very..." Camila began but struggled to find a word to describe their first time.

"Very what? Spit it out." Lauren said as worry began to make itself evident on her face.

"Very good."

"Good? That's it?" Lauren asked clearly concerned.

"It wasn't just good. It was...perfect." Camila simply said, "It was a little rushed but it was great."

Lauren half smiled and caressed the brunettes cheek. "Yeah. It was rushed. But I promise that next time I'll go slower for you. And make sure that it'll blow your mind."

"Next time?" Camila asked wide eyed.

"Yeah, next time. Right? There will be a next time won't there?" Lauren asked worriedly as she pulled away her hand.

"Yeah..." Camila quickly said without thinking. "Of course there will."

"If you want me to take things slower with you then I will." Lauren tried to compromise.

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