Chapter 31

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Camila's POV

The next day, I had woken Ally up and told her what I was going to do. The huge smile that formed on her face told me that this was a good idea. Her bright smile and sincere eyes persuaded me to sit down my friends and tell them everything. In reality it had only been Dinah and Mani that had not known of my little love affair with Lauren. And now that I thought about it, I would think that they would be accepting. Dinah especially because I mean she's my best friend. But as I sat down at that god forsaken table, a tightening began to comense in my throat. With each intent, the tightening began to fasten it's grip between my neck. Ally noticed my obvious chocking, and help by placing a supportive hand over my own to calm me down. I took a deep breath before I spoke, " So guys, lately I've been going through something that has really been messing me up. But it's also been the best thing that had ever happened to me. I wasn't sure if I should tell you guys but today, I am sure. I feel as if you guys will understand. And-" I said looking directly at Mani and Dinah.

"-Just go for it Mila." Mani encouraged.

"Is it that you're gay because we already know that." Dinah said.

"No. It's not that..." I simply replied.

"Then spit it out. You're killing me here." Dinah said.

"I... I'm in love with Lauren."

"We know." Mani said obviously.

"No. But the thing is I'm not the only one."

"What?" Mani asked.

"Explain." Dinah practically demanded.

I took a deep breath before I explained everything. Throughout my explanation, Normani and Dinah had been more shocked than anything but by the end of my story, their expressions were unreadable.

"So... are you guys going to say anything?" I asked them after a long silence.

Mani instantly got up and hugged me. "About time. I shipped you and Ari so hard though, but if this is what you want, go for it."

I smiled appreciatively and thanked mani. Who was really worrying me was Dinah. She had not said a thing nor looked at me since I finished my story.

"Dinah. Please say something."

She looked up at me with the most disappointed and disgusted expression I've ever seen someone wore. "How... how could you?"


"How could you of done all that without me even knowing. Why didn't I know?"

"I was scared Dinah..."

"Scared of what?! That I'd judge you? I'm your best friend Mila, you know me better than that."

"I'm sorry D, I didn't know what I was thinking."

"Apparently." She scoffed.

Darren turned around and smacked her arm.

"I can't believe that your choosing one of the monsters who have tormented us for practically all of our High-school lives. Like out of all people it has to be her."

"She's not who you think she is Dinah. She's different."

"No she's not. She's the same as all of those other assholes. All she wants is to use you and play the game. It's the thing she's good at and your falling for it."

I felt tears began to form in my eyes. I had never heard Dinah this angry. What upset me the most was that I thought that she would be the person who would be the most accepting. I thought that she would hug me and say it's okay. But boy was I wrong. I wasn't quite sure why Dinah had harbored this resurfaced hate for Lauren. Because in all my time with her, she had never expressed it. But today she had told me how she really felt about her and what she truly thought about her love. But the thing about Dinah is that she doesn't know Lauren. She doesn't know her like I do. And she never will, not as long as she harbors this hate that lives beside this image of her that has been imprinted in her mind.

"You..." I hesitated, "You don't know shit."

"Excuse me?"

"You don't know anything about Lauren. You think that you know her but you don't. You don't know what it's like to be Lauren Jauregui. You don't know what it's like to constantly put on a show for people who aren't even your friends. To do things that you know is morally wrong because of the crowd you created. To be controlled by that crowd to do and say things you don't want too. You may think that just because Lauren is practically their pact leader, she could have a say in how they treat us. But guess what. She doesn't. Harmless teasing turned into a game for her and anchored her socially. But as her group grew, they began to do things that she didn't like but she had to do them in order to belong. You don't get Lauren or know how hard it is for her. So don't judge her or me because you're no better off for looking at me like I'm the most disgusting soul on the planet."

"Woah." Darren said in awe of my balls.

"No... I think it's more of an uh oh." Mani muttered under breath as she observed Dinah's behavior.

Dinah's mouth hung open in utter shock. She had been so surprised that I had stood up to her. She looked angry, but more shocked than anything. Maybe it was the twitch in her brow, or the look in her eye, or maybe even the smug smirk on her face. But whatever it was, something just told me that today would be the day. The day I would get my first poly beat down.

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