Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

Throughout our walk, Ariana had been very charming. She would make me laugh here and then, talk about our common interests, our dreams and even made me forget about Lauren for the time being. But what this walk meant to me the most was the fact that she wasn't ashamed of being seen with me. She treated me as if I was normal. As if I was somebody. And I liked that.

When we got to my class, I sort of got sad. I didn't want to part yet, not when we were just starting to get to know each other. But we had to or else, the bell would ring and we'd both get in trouble.

Ariana frowned " Ugh we're here arn't we?" She said handing me back my books.

I sighed, "Yeah. But I mean I guess we'll still see each other third period now, after all you are my partner."

"That's too long." She pouted. "Let's hang out at lunch?"

"At lunch? No. I'd like to save you the humiliation. Maybe after school or something. I really don't want you to get in trouble for being with me." I said gripping my books tightly against my chest.

"Camila, you would never humiliate me. Please? I promise it's okay."

I hesitated but agreed, "Alright."

"Great. I'll meet you here after fourth?"


"Perfect. I'll see you later beautiful." She smiled then waved before she made her way down the hall to her next class. I walked into my math class and was meet by a pair of green eyes that glared at me in the distant among the other irrelevant heads. She looked angry and confused but none the less, she averted my gaze and continued to ignore me. There was this pain in my chest that felt like I couldn't breath. As if there was some sort of lump forming in there whenever I saw, heard or thought about her. I knew that if I let it get to me, I would break down. So I did my best to try to suppress this feeling and walk over to my desk to endure it for the rest of the period.

It wasn't easy though.

I felt her eyes on me for the entire time. I knew she was staring at me because every time I would turn to glance, there she was. There were times when she looked just plain angry and other times when she looked like she was in pain. I tried to look away, but I found myself glancing back at her too. It was as if there was a magnet connecting us together. It was this overwhelming force that kept attracting me to her, no matter how hard I tried not too. Looking at her was inevitable. And loving her was the same way.


After class, Ariana had met me at outside of my class like she had promised. When I met her, she had taken my books without my consent to hold. I tried to get them back from her but she insisted on holding them for me. So I gave in and let her let her anyway. Then suddenly I felt someone's hand brush on my lower back as if they were being careful not to push me. My breath hitched at their touch for some reason. I turned to see who this person was and realized it was Lauren. She quickly removed her hand shortly after I got out of her way. She then turned her head to glance at the person who was in her way. When she realized it was me, her expression was thoughtful. She stopped for a mere second to take me in. She looked as if she was in pain. Like it hurt her to see me. But I wasn't sure because after all, I never understood her. But through my confusion I couldn't help but stare back into her green mesmerizing orbs. The orbs that I fell in love with.

"Ahem." Ariana cleared her throat.

In that moment Lauren and I both averted our gazes. I scratched the nape of my neck nervously as Lauren glared at Ariana. There was something about Ariana that just ticked Lauren off. It seemed as if her presence was the fuel of her annoyance. But I really didn't know why. And by the look on her face, Ariana didn't either. She had this confused expression plastered all over her face as the green eyed girl analyzed her thoroughly with a scowl. Lauren then shook her head lightly when she realized what she had been doing. The whole situation was awkward but Lauren managed to stifled chuckle and glance at me thoughtfully before she left.

"What was that about?" Ariana huffed.

I waved my hand dismissively, "Nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing..."

"It's just...." I said trying to formulate my words. "Prep drama, ignore her. You know how they can be."

She nodded her head in understanding. "Don't let them get to you though. Instead, forget about them...with me."

I turned to look at her in surprise.


"Too soon?" She laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head.

I got my shit together quickly. "No, you're right I need to forget about them...with someone else."

She gently smiled, "Great. Come on." She said linking our arms. I smiled and followed her with no hesitation. God I hope this works.


It did. Again. Ariana always seemed to make me forget when I was with her. And the fact that she ignored all the disapproving looks we were getting made me fall faster. She didn't care about being seen with me, she actually embraced it. Even my friends looked at us like we were insane but I ignored them too. When I was with her, it was if it was only me and her. The world and their opinions were irrelevant. I know it's too soon, but I already felt like I was turning the page. Or at least I hope that was the case.

When the bell rang to signal that it was time to go to class, Ariana groaned audibly. "It's already time?"


"Ugh. Stupid bell."

I laughed heartily.


I stopped laughing immediately when I heard the seriousness in her voice, "Yeah?"

"Do you want to go out with me this Friday?" She asked, biting her lip nervously.


I began to open my mouth to answer but she beat me too it, "Listen, ever since I heard you sing a few weeks ago and saw you, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. I think you're really cute and nice and I would just really like to take you out, if you'd let me."

"Uh...err..." I tried to say.

"You don't have to say yes. I understand, because we just met after all."

"No." I said throwing my hands out, "I mean yes. I'd love to go out with you this Friday."

She grinned from ear to ear, "Seriously?" She said in disbelief.

"Seriously." I confirmed.

She seemed so happy and relieved. It was adorable, "Great. I'll pick you up at 7? Text me your address..." She said taking out a pen from her bag and grabbing my hand to scribble something on the inside of it.

When she finished, I looked at my hand and saw that she had written her number. I felt my face turn red. She put a supportive hand on my arm to calm me. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said then quickly pecked my cheek. "Bye Camila." She winked before she left. I stood there stars struck until the warning bell rang. At that instant I scrambled into my Ap Bio class and continued with the rest of my day, thinking about my date and of course Lauren...

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