Chapter 67: Part 4

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Lauren's POV

-And that's the thing about miracles. They don't last forever. And maybe they're not meant to last forever. But in that moment, as I felt indescribably infinite, I realized that my miracle, lasted as long as it needed too. And that she was more than a lifetime could offer.


Narrator's POV

Two months after Mr. Jauregui had announced the marriage between the two girls, Camila and Lauren had been working with the lawyer to build the case against Cara. It wasn't easy. But after much work and commitment, Carmen had managed to file a report against the blonde. When the report was processed, Cara's lawyer had notified her and she herself encouraged to carry out the case. According to her, she didn't want to make the same mistakes as her father and mask the claims made against him, but rather face them. She always liked a good fight and she knew Lauren would give her one to remember. Or at least, that's what she claimed.

"Well according to the paperwork I got back today, you're scheduled to appear in court in less than two weeks." Carmen notified Lauren.

"Two weeks?!" Lauren almost yelled, "Why so soon?"

"It's the only time Cara can make an appearance-"

"So all of a sudden the law caters to her needs?"

"Look, I'm as furious as you are but I don't make the rules here."

"She's probably paid the fuckers off by now hasn't she?"

"Lauren, that's not what happened. Cara is the face of a multimillionaire company. If you were in her shoes, the court would have to work around your schedule too."

"Ugh, fuck Wall Street."


"This sucks."

Carmen crouched down at eye level with her and placed a supportive hand on her knee, "I know this is all happening a much faster than you thought, but I know you're going to be okay. You know why?"


"Because, we've worked too damn hard to lose now."

She was right. And Lauren knew she was right. But she couldn't stop worrying. All she needed to do now was get over the fear of finally admitting the truth, not only to the jury but to herself. But that didn't even seem possible.

That night, she couldn't sleep. She was tossing and turning all night as she thought about it. Standing in front of everyone. Facing her biggest fear. But most of all, finally admitting that what happened, actually happened.

In a frustrated sweat, she sat up and then threw her leg over to hover over her girlfriend.


Camila's nose twitched.

"Camz." She whispered again.

Camila stirred awake. She rubbed her eyes and in a deep husky voice said, "Lauren?"

"I can't sleep."

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