Chapter 10

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Camila's POV

"Whoo!" The girls cheered as excited my room.Right when we walked out of my house,we were met by roaring music from next store. And I was right. The party was at Lauren's not Siopes.

"I knew it!" I told them.

"What?" Mani asked.

"That's Lauren's house! Not Siopes, they're setting us up! I knew it!" I said pointing at the house.

"Relax Mila, I talked to Siope and he said that he's borrowing Lauren's house for the night, since her parents are out of town." Dinah informed me.

"Thats... fishy. I don't trust them." I said crossing my arms.

"Mila...I asked Siope about any funny business too and he said that we were totally safe. And that there's nothing to worry about, so stop getting your panties in a twist." Dinah said.

"I'm not! Don't you get it? That's what they want us to think." I glared at the house.

"Come on Mila, let's just go in and have fun, Well be cautious. If any of us hears anything..." Ally said glancing at each one of us. "We won't hesitate to run and spread the word. That way we'll be safe. How's that sound?"

"Sounds good. Put your phones on vibrate." Darren said taking his phone out and doing so.

The rest of the girls did the same.

I flared out my nostrils in frustration and obliged.

"Alright guys! Time to party!" Mani said with her arms up in the air.

Everyone began to follow her in. I noticed Dinah's nervousness. She was stiff and uneasy.

I grabbed her wrist and in response she looked back at me with a frightened expression plastered on her face. "Mila... I can't do this, what if Siope-" She began to panic.

"D, chill. You're beautiful. You look so amazing right now. Siope will love you. Heck I'm even drooling over here."

She smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Mila...god I love you."

"I love you too Cheechee."

"Together?" She asked linking my arm.

"Together." I smiled linking my arms with hers.

We made our way into the party. There was already a million people dancing in her living room area, her staircase, up stairs, the kitchen, the pantry?! I narrowed my eyes at the it. There were people..but...Oh they're not dancing. I gulped.

As we got deeper into the house, I noticed that there wasn't only high schoolers at this party but college kids. All the college UOM jocks were drinking off kegs with the future jocks of their school.

Outside, there was twice as much people dancing all over the place. There were even people in the pool?! At this hour they're crazy! I noticed that the Dj was set up outside also, blasting "Tongue Tied by Group Love." Well, that explains the mob of people dancing their lives away out here...

Dinah and I walked around until we spotted our friends at a table next to the pool and made our way over to them.

When I sat down and got situated, we were met by a few college boys carrying a keg.

"Drinks ladies?" One of them asked.

"Sure." Mani smiled.

I slapped her arm.

He handed us all a cup of beer. I politely tapped him on the shoulder and handed it back to him. "Sorry, I don't drink."

He cocked his brow and got it from me.

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