Chapter 45

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Camila's POV

The drive to Lauren's house was silent. All you could hear were the rain drops from outside; ending their journey to the ground. Ally exchanged a few glances with me as she drove. She wanted to assure that we were fine, but when a smile formed on her face, I could see that there was much more going on in her head then I thought. At first, I didn't know what she was smiling at. I turned to look behind me for an answer but there was nothing there and just as I was about to ask, I realized that she had been staring at us. I looked down at the girl sleeping peacefully on my chest. She had been under my arm, my chin resting on top of her head as her arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I smiled down at her beautiful figure. I liked watching her sleep. It was nice. She always seemed so peaceful and calm when she slept like this. Sure, she was a little tore up, but so was I. We were both in pain, her internally and me physically. She was broken and fucked up, but in a sense so was I. I practically have broken ribs for fucks sake. And surprisingly we were still here. Barley floating, but here, together. And maybe that's part of the reason I had always been drawn to Lauren. There was something about her that always seemed to be in pain. Something about her that just seemed...broken. But I mean who isn't? We're all a little fucked up. You just gotta decide what kind of fucked up your into.

In the depths of my mind, I heard Ally clear her throat. I shook my head lightly to bring myself out of my thoughts before I met her gaze through the rear view window. "She's lucky, you know that right?"

I shook my head and half smiled, "No, I'm the lucky one."

Ally didn't answer. She simply shook her head and smiled.

There was a short silence after that. Ally's eyes had been focused on the road again while mine were on Lauren. I admired her as she slept again and couldn't help but smile. She was the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen. And the best part was, she was beautiful on the inside too.

"I've never seen anyone love someone like the way you love Lauren." Ally interrupted my thoughts, her eyes still focused on the road.

I half smiled before I looked down at Lauren tenderly. " Yeah well, I've never loved anyone like the way that I love her either."


After we had arrived, Ally went home, and the other girls stayed in my room to stall for me for the night. They were a little ify about it at first, but when they saw Lauren by my side, looking like a lost puppy, they couldn't help but give in. I mean I would have suggested spending the night at my house, but Lauren left a huge mess behind and I knew that if it was still there in the morning, her parents would ask questions. And from what I see, I don't think Lauren is ready to hear anymore shit from them.

It had already been two and Lauren and I still weren't done cleaning up. It was mostly my fault though. As I picked up things, I couldn't help but ask questions. It was like there was so much more to her then I knew and these peices from her room were like my gateway to understanding. Surprisingly, she didn't get annoyed. She was willing to share some of the stories about things she had won, pictures that she had saved and little cute things she kept in her room.

As I swept up some glass from the floor my foot bumped against a cd rack and practically made the contraption fall over on it's side.

"Nice one Camz." She teased from behind.

I shook my head amusingly before I crouched down and picked up the rack. I then picked up some of the CD's and shuffled through them to get a look at the type of things she listened too. There were plenty of Bob Marley, a few of The 1975, The Arctic Monkeys, Ed Sheeran, Rhianna, Beyonce and many many more. But the one that caught my attention was a collection of Claude Debussey, featuring the piece, Claire de lune.

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