Chapter 47

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Narrator's POV

Early in the morning of the next day, Camila woke up in Lauren's arms. Her body pressed against the older girl's like a puzzle. Their bodies practically molding to fit against each other. Camila scrunched up her nose as shook her head to rid herself of sleep. The girl next to her groaned in response to the disturbance and dug her face deeper into the brunette's neck. Her soft lips pressing against Camila's skin idly; desperate to feel the brunette's skin against her lips.

Camila smiled blissfully at the sensation that the older girl was inflicting on her. She felt her skin slightly burn under the brunettes's lips. The feeling had caused Camila to squirm a bit.

Unconsciously fearing that her source of warmth would go away, Lauren tightened her hold on the smaller girl. Lauren's hand gripping onto the hem of her shirt as Camila jumped in response to her sudden action. She then laid there idly, hoping that the older girl would get the hint that she wasn't going anywhere. But she didn't. Lauren's arm draped around the younger girl tighter as time passed. Camila began to feel as if she was suffocating under the brunettes embrace. Instead of just laying there like a soon to be crushed teddy bear, she took the initiative to calm her by placing her hand over the green eyed girls and intwining their fingers. Lauren sighed as her body began to relax, her clenched fist slowly unwinding itself as she began to feel complete again. Camila took in a lung full of air once she was free from Lauren's tight grasp. She then began to rub her thumb over the taller girls hand and slightly smiled as she thought about her. Lauren. Her Lauren. It was still unofficial but it didn't feel like that at all. She already felt as if she belonged to Lauren. And that's because she did. But what Camila didn't know is that Lauren belongs to her too. The older girl just hasn't made the commitment to show her yet. But the real question was, why? Why hadn't either of the girls popped the question yet? Was there something holding them back? Had they simply just not had the time? Whatever it was, it had Camila thinking for a while. Her groggy mind trying to decipher the answer as Lauren's breath hit against her neck. The green eyed girl's breathing had managed to distract Camila with it's beautiful rhythmic pattern. Camila couldn't help but smile as this simple act began to turn into her own lullaby. This is were she wanted to be. Just like this. With her. Forever.

Camila drifted off as Lauren continued to breath. Her mind however, tried its best to stay awake. Thinking about the green eyed girl. She couldn't believe how far they had come. How much had changed since the day she bumped into her. How much trust she had been able to form with her since.

It almost seemed like it was yesterday when she was completely drooling over her next door neighbor. When she watched the green eyed girl save others without anyone knowing. When her heart used to yearn for a person that she never thought she'd have a chance with. The same person that had her almost praying, hoping and dreaming that she would develop the tiniest bit of interest for her. And now, she was in her arms. And she couldn't of been happier.

The brown eyed girl smiled to herself as Lauren's breathing began to actually put her to sleep. It's beautiful sound relaxing the smaller girl with each breath she took. She was slowly falling back into the arms of slumber when it hit her.


Camila's head shot up immediately at the thought. She tried to wiggle out of Lauren's embrace but failed because in response to the brunette's squirming, Lauren tightened her hold on her.

Camila groaned and wiggled her arm from under her and reached for her phone on top of the nightstand.

Her fingers managed to grip onto the device and retrieve it. Once she had her phone in her hands, she clicked the home button and looked at the time.


"Oh shit." Camila breathed before she turned around to try to wake the girl beside her. But before she even could, the older girl connected their lips in a gentle kiss. Her hand instantly finding it's way to the back of Camila's neck. Pulling her further into her mouth. Their lips collided effortlessly. Moving against each other's in sync. Camila contently sighed into Lauren's mouth as the green eyed girl slowed down the pace. She gently sucked her lip, pulling away every so slowly as her hand traveled up to cup her cheek.

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