Chapter 65: Part 3

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Camila's POV

My heart stopped.
The world stopped. Everything stopped.
But then I found myself laughing.

I wasn't laughing because my life was a complete joke, but because she had to be kidding.

I pointed at her and said, "Good one Lo. You sure got me."

She didn't crack a smile.

She just stared at me with the most unreadable expression.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"I've never been more serious in my life."

"Babe, we can't just run away."

"Why not?"

I sighed, "Because, we don't have anywhere to go."

"Of course we do. There's a whole world out there."

"Then what about school?"

"We'll find a way."

"What about our families?"

"Mine won't miss me. And we can send yours post cards every now and then." Lauren joked.

"Lauren this isn't funny."

"I know. I'm just pulling your strings."

"Well don't. I'm fucking terrified of losing you and you're standing there cracking jokes?"

Lauren frowned, "I'm just trying to calm you down. I don't want you to be scared because there's no way in hell I'm going to let him separate us."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"We need to leave. Like now."

"But I don't even have anything packed-"

"-it doesn't matter. The longer we stay here the more I'm putting you in danger."

She was right. But I can't just leave my family. Not like this.

"I can't."


"Do you know what my mom will do to me when I get back? If I ever come back?"

Lauren was about to respond before I interrupted her again, "Or what Sofi will think? Or how much grief I will fill in her heart because I suddenly went missing?"

Lauren grasped my forearms in an attempt to calm me down, "Listen, we won't be gone long. A week tops. We just need a little more time."

"For what?"

"For him to cool off, give up...something. The point is, being here, is not an option right now."

"What's the worse he can do?"

"Hurt you. And I'm not going to risk that."

I lightly shook my head before I sighed. This is not happening right now. I'm not in danger and I'm not going to lose Lauren. It's just a dream. A cosmic joke.

"Babe?" Lauren called.

She brought me out of my thoughts. And in that second, it hit me again.

I groaned and turned away from her.


"Why can't we just be happy?" I desperately asked before I turned back around.

Lauren frowned and grasped my hand, "I don't know. But one day we will be."


"Someday." Lauren assured me, "But right now, we need to get out of here."

"Where will we go?"

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