Chapter 5

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Camila's POV

At home I sat in my room for about an hour counting down the minutes. I had made sure to pick out the best thing I owned to wear. I also took the liberty of curling my hair into loose curls, but decided that I'd be more comfortable in a pony tail in the end. I wore a white and blue 1D baseball tee where it's sleeves met at three quarters, Short jean shorts, and navy blue converse. I kept my glasses on because I couldn't do anything about them. I mean I had contacts but I've always preferred wearing glasses.

I looked at the time on my phone again. 4:57. Crap it was time. I looked at myself in the mirror once more. I looked decent enough. But decent wasn't good enough.

Ugh I can't believe I'm acting as if this is a date or something. Snap out of it Camila.

I took a deep breath and made my way over. When I got there, I hesitated to ring the door bell.

Chill Camila you can do this. I encouraged myself.

I took a deep breath and rang the door bell. I waited patiently. Then heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door knob turned then flew open. I was relieved to see that it was not the Jauregui I had been expecting. Clara stood at the door and opened her arms to embrace me in a huge hug. "Camila honey!" She beamed.

"Hi Mrs.Jauregui." I smiled, hugging her back.

"Look at you." She said putting her hands on my shoulders. "You've grown so much since the last time I've seen you. Your so mature looking and beautiful." She smiled.

I looked at my shoes. "Thanks."

She then held my hands in her own. "So what brings you over?"

"Um Lauren and I...we have a project we were assigned to do together." I explained to her.

"You and Lauren? I'm so happy you guys are finally becoming friends." She smiled. "Come in." She said motioning her hand.

I smiled and walked in. "Were...something like that." I commented.

She nodded understandably. "I know Lauren can be a little intimidating and rude sometimes, but I promise she's a great girl."

"I know..." I smiled remembering the Lauren I know.

"Gosh mom. No need to flatter me." Lauren said leaning against the counter. She wore a Lana del Rey black tee with black pj shorts and her cute bunny slippers.

She pushed back her brown loosely curled locks...Stunning as always.

" Oh Lauren." She chuckled. "Listen girls, I'm going to be out for a bit to help Mrs.Cabello set up a few more last things for the benefit. Be good."She said pointing at us.

"No promises." Lauren smirked.

I scoffed because I had choked on my own saliva.

"Be back in a bit." Lauren's mom said before leaving through the door.

No promises...She's kidding. Right? Yeah she had to be.

I looked back at her and met her green orbs.

"So Bows, remind me of your real name again?"

"Camila. Camila Cabello."

"Hhhmm. CaMELA CabeYO. Did I pronounce that correct?"

I smiled in surprise. "Yeah actually."

"It's too long though. How about Camz? How does that sound?"

"Sure." I told her, totally in love with my new nick name. "But you're not gonna call me bows like everyone else?"

She shrugged. "Nah. That's particularly the reason why I won't, because I'm not everyone." She winked.

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