Chapter 73

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Lauren's POV

Since our talk, Camila and I remained on somewhat civil terms. She continued her everyday life and eventually started to become more of herself again. And it's mostly because she acknowledged the importance our of separation. Although she didn't understand it, she seemed to know that it was needed. And considering how chaotic everything has been lately, that was enough for me.

I spent most of my days the way I've always had; running shit like I was the head bitch. Although I had been keeping this persona alive, I was starting to get tired of it. I mean I was sick of it before, but something about it now was different. After everything I had been through in the last few months of my life, I didn't see the need to keep it up anymore. So I didn't. Well, at least not fully.

Gradually, I started to dress like a bum on days that I felt like it. I started to greet those who once feared or were intimidated by me. And lastly, I didn't put up with anyone's shit anymore. Things at Bal Harbor were starting to change, and because of it, everyone started to wonder what happened to Lauren Jauregui. And the funny thing was, I don't know what happened to her either. I guess the real one just got tired of the other one's shit.

Some resisted this slow but gradual change and others, well others accepted it whole heartedly. And maybe that was because everyone was starting to seemingly feel somewhat equal. But Vero and Drew however, were two of the many who were struck by this sudden change, and they hated every part of it. They didn't have the same power and authority that they used too and something about it just seemed unnatural to them. They believed that their system existed for a reason. But fuck systems.

"Hey Lauren." Dinah whispered behind me in choir class.

I turned to meet her gaze, "Yeah?"

"Prom's coming up."

"Is it?"

"Don't act like you haven't been counting down the days. When are you gonna ask her?"

Lauren tensed up and looked around to see if Camila was anywhere near them. She was over with Darren playing the guitar as he went on about some boy related problem.

"I'm not gonna ask her." I whispered back.

"What do you mean youre not gonna ask her? It's prom."


"It's not like its one of the most memorable nights of your life or anything."

"Believe me, I want to ask her but we're just starting to get along again and I dont want to ruin it."

"You still don't think she's ready?"

"No, not yet."

"Well, what are you going to do if someone else asks her?"


"You don't think that everyone can see the invisible tramp stamp you have on her, do you?"

I rolled my eyes.

"What? It's true."

"I know. I just realized something."





"Come on, spit it out."

"This means I have to go with someone else too."

"Why don't you just go stagg?"

"Because I want to win prom queen."

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