Chapter 43

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Camila's POV

Their shadows could be seen from the bathroom floor as they approached the door. My heart beat began to increase with each footstep and just when it thought that I was going to die on the spot, I didn't. The door was not opened and their was no sound that could be heard throughout the room. I also couldn't see them anymore? Maybe- I began to think before the knob was turned and the door swung open, revealing the two bullies who were about to kill me.

"Bows?" Vero said in utter confusion.

"Uh...hi." I nervously smiled, scratching the nape of my neck.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to hear what we said." Madison said rolling her eyes.

"Is that so?" Vero said crouching down to pull me up to her face by the collar of my shirt.

"Thought you could get away didn't you?" Vero muttered.

"No...I mean. I just needed to go to the bathroom. I didn't mean to hear anything. Actually, I didn't even hear anything. So can I leave?" I asked with the hope that they would give me some mercy.

They both turned to look at each other and laughed.

"Oh my god. Are you fucking kidding me? No you can't leave." Madison said.

"Yeah, we got a little business to settle with you first."

"I'm sure we could settle this over a cup of coffee or something..." I suggested. "I mean we don't want to keep Swope waiting do we?"

They laughed at me again.

"Who the fuck cares about him? Madison and I will get to class, you... not so sure." Vero said glancing at Madison.

"Hmm...I don't think she will either. What do you suppose we do to a sure that?"

I gulped.

"I don't know, we could give her a swirly...but that's the oldest trick in the book."

"We could give her what she deserves." Madison proposed glancing at Vero, " Or we could tape her to the seat... remember how much you liked that back then Bows?" Madison smirked.

"Back then?" Vero asked.

"8th grade." Madison clarified.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm...that would be a good idea but we don't have tape."

"Darn." Madison said as she thought, "What could we do to her then..."

"Oh, I know what I want to do..."Vero said tightly gripping my collar.

"Then what are you waiting for? We haven't practiced on this punching bag for a while." Madison said cracking her knuckles. Her features almost regretting what she had just said. I furrowed my brows at her odd betrayal of her own words.

"Then I guess we better get to it then." Vero said throwing me outside the bathroom stall and onto the floor.

My body collided with the floor solidly. I groaned noisily as another sharp pain struck my elbow that had hit the tile. The pain shot up to my shoulder and hurt like a bitch. I slowly sat up and rubbed my arm but before I knew it, I was kicked back to the ground.

"We didn't say you could get up." Vero spit before she threw her leg back to kick me again. I closed my eyes tightly as I waiting for the blow to hit me. And sure enough, it did. Over and over again. I felt the edge of their kicks dig into my body. The blows becoming stronger with each hit. I curled up into a ball and kept my hands over my head. But like always, that position never really helped at all. I heard myself scream in pain a few times but it later became tiresome because I knew no one was going to help me. And when I thought they were going to stop with kicks, I was wrong.

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