Chapter 18

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Lauren's POV

It's been two weeks since Camila had "moved on." I left her alone like she wanted me too or at least I'd like to believe that I did. As much as I tried to forget about her, I couldn't. I would find myself staring at her at random times in class, the halls or whenever she was with her. She was happy though, which I think hurt me the most. I don't know why it bothered me to see her with someone else. But it just did. Especially when she would look back at me every time with that same look. She said I was too late. But that wasn't true. I couldn't of have been too late if she still looks at me like I'm the love of her life. She still fucking loves me and I know it. The only problem is that I don't love her. I just want her.

She needed and wanted me, all of me. And I just wanted her and her body. I tried to convince myself that this was true. But I couldn't because if it were, it wouldn't hurt this much. I didn't understand why I couldn't just forget about her. It has never been this hard before. I'm usually the one who cuts the string or breaks off any loose ends. But this time, it seemed like it was her who had done it. Or at least was trying too. Maybe that was what was bothering me. Perhaps it was the fact that she was trying to forget about me before I forgot about her. I don't know, but there's something about Camila Cabello. I don't know what it is but it keeps bringing me back to her.


~Later that week~

Today, was the day that we were supposed to preform our songs in Advanced Choir. I say supposed to, because I don't even know if Camila was going to show up or not. She hasn't been here all day and it was beginning to worry me.

As I watched the first few people preform my hope was wearing thin. She wasn't here and I didn't know why. It bothered me to think that maybe she was with her. But then again, she was too much of a square to ditch. She'd never be late to a class without a reason. It wasn't like her. Bows was always on time for everything or atleast had a good reason why she wasn't. And I really hope that was the case.

"But you are the only exception..." Dinah and Siope finished, and brought me out of my deep thoughts. I shook my head lightly as everyone around me began to clap for their performance. I then rubbed my temples in an attempt to get her out of my head because I was next. To my luck though, Mr.Swope had noticed that Camila was absent and agreed to let us preform tomorrow. However, the catch was if she wasn't here again without an excused absence, then our grades would get penalized. Hearing about our grade scared the crap out of me but I think knowing that I would have to talk to her again scared me more. I knew that she wanted me to leave her alone but I guess that's sort of inevitable while we're still partners...


After school I went over to Camila's because she had been absent for the remainder of the day. And to be honest, it worried me. But I was more angry because if I wasn't careful about this, we could both loose points on our project. And even though preps shouldn't worry about these things, I do. I've always have, even when I don't show it.

I realized that I had been standing in front of her porch for 10 minutes now. I shook my head lightly as I approached her door. My finger reached for the bell but stopped briefly to think about my next move. What was I going to say to her? Should I be subtle or get straight to the point? What was there to say really? There wasn't much, but I just felt like there was. But none the less, I scolded myself for being a pussy and then took a deep breathe before I rang the doorbell. A few seconds later I heard little footsteps coming towards the door. When it opened it revealed a small, adorable girl. I took a good look at her and presumed that it was Sofi. She was just like Camila had described her. She had short black hair, an olive complexion, chubby cheeks, and beautiful chocolate brown eyes just like her sisters. Looking at them made me a bit nervous at first, but I shook it off and broke the silence.

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