Chapter 44

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Camila's POV

I felt a cold flat circle hit against my chest. I slowly opened my eyes and the light began to penetrate through them. Everyone around me was fuzzy but as I shook my head to rid myself of it, I was able to see that I had been in my bedroom where Dinah had just left me. I looked down at my chest to look at the cold object that had been laying over it. It was a stethoscope that my father had been pressing against my upper chest to take my blood pressure.

I shook my head and sat up. "Where's Lauren?" I groggily asked, looking directly at the girls.

Dinah was about to answer but my father beat her too it.

"Relax Camila." My father simply said noticing my uneasy heart beat.

Oh shit my dad.

"Fuck." I sighed before I threw my head back into the pillow.

My father gave me a look before he spoke again, "How are you feeling?"



"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you let me get up now? I need to go-"

"-You're not going anywhere. You need to rest. And after that you're going to speak with police and tell them what happened."

"I'm not going to speak to anyone."

"Excuse me?" My father asked utterly shocked.

"I said, I'm not going to talk to anyone. I can take care of it."

"No you can't." He countered.

"Yes I can. Have faith in me Dad." I said putting my hand over his.

He sighed and removed the stethoscope ear buds from his ears and set the contraption aside. "How can I have faith in you after what happened Camila? Don't you think I worry about you?"

"I know you and Mom worry. But you guys worry too much sometimes..."

"Mila, I know you have a hard time talking about these things but hasn't your experience taught you anything? You can talk to us. We're all here to help you."

"I know..." I grunted averting his gaze.

"No, you don't. You came home today all pummeled up this." He said gesturing at me before he sat on the edge of my bed,"You didn't tell us that people were bothering you again."


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because, I can handle it. I've always been able too." I stubbornly responded.

"Camila, how can you say that after what happened?"

"Because I believe in myself Dad. That's why."

"Are you saying that we don't believe in you? You came a long way Mija, how could you possibly think that?"

"Because, you and mom are always hovering. You guys never leave me alone or even let me make my own decisions. I'm an adult now Dad, I'm sure I can think for myself. I shouldn't have to consult everything with you guys." I explained. "I can't even go into the bathroom sometimes without you two worrying that I'm going to overdose or something. It's like...." I said trying I formulate my words, "it's like you think that I'm going to kill myself because I failed too the last time. And I just hate knowing that you're always living in fear because of it."

"I'm always going to be afraid to loose you Camila. You're my daughter. I'm always going to worry about you." He said with knitted brows as his hand rested over mine.

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