Chapter 8

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Camila's POV

She likes something about me?! No. Impossible. But she said it and got all flustered after words. It had to be the reason why she left. But why would someone like her, have any interest in me? I know she said it was because I see her differently but what does that mean? Is she taking about how I know who she really is? How she's not like any of those preppy jerks? That she's different too? Ugh she left me with more questions than answers and I hated it. It's been three days without any type of contact. She's ignored me around school and outside of it. Even when her and her jerks would torment me, she would barley even acknowledge my existence. I wanted to talk to her and ask her what the hell was her problem but that would only push her further away, so I decided against it.

I shrugged my thoughts off as I walked over to our table. There I met Ally and Darren.

"Mila!" Ally smiled.

"Hey Allycat."

"Hey Mil-" Darren began to say.

"Don't talk to me." I glared at him.

He looked hurt but I didn't care. I was still mad at him for what he did. Throughout this whole week everything has been so much harder. The preps have definitely found ways to hurt us. They did the usual, but made it their life missions to be extra rough this time. They told us that what they've done so far was nothing and I believed them. I know that they are planing something huge. Because that's just who they are and how they do things. They don't settle for the little, simple things. No. They go as big and as complicated as they can.

So, because of Darren's stupid idea, the brains and I have been practically living in fear for the past few days.

"Mila...dont be like that. Please. I miss you." He pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey Ally did you hear something?"

She gave me a disapproving look. "Mila.." She scolded.

"I'm serious I keep hearing this annoying fly buzzing around me."

"Mila. Stop being ridiculous and talk to me."

"See there it is again." I said swatting the air.

I heard him grunt. "You can't ignore me forever. So when you decide to talk to me, you know where to find me." He said before standing up and leaving.

I sighed "This school has an insect problem."

Ally gave me a sad look. "Mila, Darren's been trying to apologize to you all week. But you keep shutting him out and arn't giving him the chance too...." She paused, "You know... he's really sorry."

"Sorry? He's sorry?! I'm sorry that we have to live in fear for the rest of our high school life because of some stupid joke. I know we do that anyways but this time it's worse and the threats are even deadlier! It's not like we didn't already have enough problems and he just had to go out and create more! Didn't he?" I blurt out not realizing how loud I've gotten.

Ally's eyes widened at my outburst.

"Sorry." I apologized for being a physco path.

"It's okay mila.. I'm just saying that you need to hear him out. You, Dar, and Dinah have been best friends since the whom. And for that reason you surely understand why this silent treatment you're giving him is hitting him pretty hard."

I ignorantly rolled my eyes.

"You're his best friend Mila, go talk to him." She slightly smiled.

I shook my head then said. "I'll think about it."

"Alright... by the way where's Mani and Dinah?"

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