Chapter 54

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Camila's POV

So it turned out my mom didn't call the police that evening. She was actually kind of glad I went over to Lauren's.

Even though I gave her a legitament reason, she didn't seem to believe me and I didn't blame her. It was obvious that I was seeing Lauren. Well atleast to her it was.

I really didn't understand how my mother knew. Or how she managed to put the pieces together because even though she read the letter, she could have thought anything. But she hit the bullseye and I'm quite impressed.

I've wanted to properly talk to her about it but I haven't because she always teases me about it and I start to sputter stupid things and the whole thing then just makes me feel uncomfortable. But hopefully, we can talk soon. I'd really like that.

As expected Lauren didn't show up for school the next few days. I guess she still wasn't over what happened, and to be honest, her group seemed so lost without her. But on a stormy Friday, she showed up to our second period.

She walked in dragging her feet with an emotionless expression on her face. She looked exhausted. Almost like she hadn't slept in a while. But she seemed fine yesterday? I didn't understand why she showed up today with bags under her eyes and a frown. Even her eyes seemed to miss their little glow. But that wasn't the only thing that caught me off guard. I never thought I would live to see the day that Lauren Jauregui would wear a grey Bal Harbor hoodie with jeans and black converse to school. To fucking school! Even her hair matched her casual appearance. It was tied up in a ponytail and her face was almost nearly nude.

I had to do a double take when I first looked at her because I didn't believe it. No one did. 32 pairs of eyes were glued on her and it was because someone had kidnapped the Lauren Jauregui we all knew. Or at least who they all knew.

She tried to ignore everyone as she situated herself in her seat, but after a few seconds, her eyebrow twitched in annoyance and her jaw clenched, "Don't you guys have a board to look at or something?" She barked.

Everyone stiffened in their seats. Even I felt myself jump a little at her tone. I turned around in my seat and returned my attention to the board. I didn't dare to look at my girlfriend again until the bell rang. She was last to gather her things and was rather sluggish.

I walked up to her while our teacher was reading at her desk.


Her green eyes met mine as she continued to pack her things, "Yeah?"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know, you just seem kinda different."

"Just because I didn't feel like putting on a show today doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood."

"I didn't say that..."

"But that's what you meant to say."


"-that's what you and everyone thought. Wasn't it?"

"No I didn't-"

"Whatever, I have to get to class." Lauren interrupted before she flung her bag over her shoulder and mumbled a bye.

I frowned.

What the hell was up with her? I didn't upset her did I? Ugh. She was acting weird. Not because of the way she was dressed, but because of the way she was acting. Because of the way her eyes seemed to reveal the emptiness inside her. That's why.

I kept a close eye on her for the test of the day. She didn't sit at her normal table. She actually went off campus for once in her life. And the preps looked as lost as ever.

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