Chapter 21

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Camila's POV

My friends wasted no time in preparing for the party. I had asked my mom if I could borrow the house for a little get together and thankfully, she agreed. It turned out that my parents had already made plans to visit my grandfather up north for the weekend. They had promised that they would celebrate my birthday on Sunday and I totally understood why. This sudden visit must mean that wello is getting worse. He's been suffering with chronic heart disease ever since I could remember. And lately he's been in pretty bad shape. So it didn't bother me at all. I'm even going to see him the next day after the party because if I don't soon, I don't know if I'll ever get the chance again.

So Darren had practically forbidden me from entering my own home until the party started. He forced me to go over to his house for the make over. And thankfully, It didn't take as long as I expected it too. And I think that was because he had done it twice for me already. So he knew what he was doing. As for me, I had a difficulty figuring out what I was going to wear, but in the end I decided to wear a Sunflower Skater Dress, a white Bow, matching white pearl earrings and bracket and a pair of black Boots.

As for my face and hair, Darren hadn't done much. He applied minimal make up and straightened my hair. He threw my hair into a loose pony tail that hung off my right shoulder and used the white bow to serve as a rubber band to hold my hair in place. Overall I was pretty happy with the result. I looked really nice and I wasn't used to seeing myself like this.

I scrunched up my nose and smiled at Dar, "I love it."

"I know. I'm a genius." He simply replied.

I slapped his arm playfully for being cocky.

He chuckled lightly before his phone suddenly buzzed. He checked it and a huge smile appeared on his face. "It looks like we have a party to attend to now."He said beginning to pull me out of his room.

I threw my head back in laughter because I realized that he was still a bit too underdressed. "Dar."

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I think your missing something." I said pointing down at his torso.

He looked down and in that second let me go, "Shit my pants!" He said as he retrieved them from the ironing bed. "Thanks for reminding me."

"Anytime pal."

He shook his head lightly before he changed into them. He then checked himself in the mirror. Darren looked pretty good himself. He was in very casual clothing. He wore a blue polo, jeans and brown sperliys. His hair was combed perfectly like a school boys and he finished off his look with black ray bans hanging off the rim of his nose. He smiled brightly at his reflection before we made our way out of his house and to mine.


Lauren's POV

Ever since Darren had talked to me about Camila, I couldn't get his words out of my head. I was starting to feel like he was right. But I wasn't sure and it bothered me to think that he could be right. And that was mainly because I didn't want him to be right. But then I got thinking, I want Camila but I can't have her because we're from two different worlds. But that girl is too. She's a jock and Camila's a brain. And they're together? Which to me makes no sense whatsoever. What surprises me the most though, is how much she is willing to give up for Camz when I can't. And I think that's because I'm Lauren Jauregui and she's just another jock. It's harder for me to do things like that. Because if I did, everything I've built for the past three years would go to waste. And I guess you can call me a pussy for being afraid of what people would think but I couldn't deny it, my reputation was something that was important to me. And that's because I wasn't always perfect. But I wasn't always average either. I mean I'm not saying that I'm perfect now, because I'm not. But everything changed for me when I started High school. And I have one thing to say to this sudden change, thank you puberty. So in a way Camila was right when she said that I could never understand what it was like to be like her. And that's because I've never been like her. I always had everything handed to me and I was always good at everything, plus I was pretty damn hot, and that made me the perfect Prep. But then again I couldn't be the perfect prep if I hated hurting people. I always thought it was a flaw of mine. Something that I never wanted anyone to notice. That is until Camila did. The thing about Camila was the fact that she saw it as a good thing when everyone else didn't. She saw the things about me that weren't supposed to be seen. And she loved me for them.

That was the very thing that kept bringing me back to Camila Cabello. But it was the very thing I feared the most. I don't know why but I found myself walking onto the doorstep of her house, but there I was.

Today was her birthday and Darren had persuaded me to go. I knew what he was doing though. His motive behind this invite was to get me "to see what I already feel."

But as ignorant as I am, I denied it. Actually I'm still denying it. So that's why he came up with a proposition. So the thing is, if I can ignore a smoking hot Cabello for the day then that means I was right, I never really did love her. But if I broke, then that meant that he was right all along. And as naive and stubborn as I was, I accepted his proposition. I wanted to prove to him that he was wrong but more importantly, I wanted to prove it to myself. So there I was standing on her doorstep. I took a deep breath before I rang the doorbell. After a few seconds I had realized that I was an idiot for doing that and instead turned the door knob. I was ready. Ready to endure the night. But that all came crashing down when someone had opened the door for me. I looked up and there she stood. My mouth dropped at the sight of her. Okay, maybe this isn't going to be as easy as I thought.


A/n: Short ch. But guess what guys? I'm on break. So I'll be updating tomorrow and hopefully much more throughout the week. Love you guys.


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