Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

The bell rang for lunch. I cautiously made my way towards our table. Phew, I made it through today with no problems. I smiled to myself, relieved. I approached my friends who were sitting at our usual table underneath the willow tree.

"Hey guys," I waved at them.

"Hey Mila," They all said in unison.

I sat down and set my paper bag lunch down.

Darren put his elbows on the table and rested his chin in between his palms. "What's got you all smiley today?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, I've just hadgood day so far."

"Ugh lucky. I got stuffed into a locker earlier by those jerks," Darren pouted.

"You and I both," Ally added.

"At least you guys didn't get trashed," Dinah said pushing up her glasses.

"You too?" Normani asked.

"Yeah. I mean you'd think they'd have mercy or the decency. It was taco Tuesday yesterday. " Dinah frowned.

"Hey, it's not as bad as mystery meat Mondays," I told her.

"True," They all agreed in unison.

"I hate those preps so much. But I have to admit it . . . Michael's pretty cute but he's such a jerk. Such a waste of a guy," Darren complained, avoiding eye contact.

"Why are you and Mila attracted to jerks?" Ally interjected.

"Hey. She's not a jerk. At least not a big one." I defended her.

They all chuckled at my response. I knew I shouldn't of told them about Lauren.

"Oh Mila, if only you could see her for who she really is," Dinah half smiled.

"I do and that's why I like her, besides it's just a crush. It's not a big deal," I said.

They smiled at me wearily.

"Mila..." Normani began to say.

"I know," I interrupted her. "It's never gonna happen. I know."

Darren put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Mila. But hey, look at me," He said putting his index finger on my chin, he then raised my head up to look at him. "There's nothing wrong in hoping, just dont fixate on it."

I smiled at his words. Darren was the only person who understood my feelings for Lauren. And it was because he also had his eye on a prep.

It felt really good to have someone like Darren around, he listened to me when I talked about Lauren and for him, I did the same in return. However, Darren's feelings towards Michael weren't love, it was more lust. Michael Willet was extremely handsome, he had the perfect hair, face and body. He looked like one of those airbrushed models. He was a jerk but somehow, well liked. To me, Lauren was more than an attraction. I want to say it's love, but I cant. I mean I dont even know what that means. It's not like I happen to be an expert in that area. I had a reputation of my own—a dumb one at that. But I didnt care about all that. Not anymore. Now, I was consumed with the enigma that was Lauren Jauregui.

"Mila?" I heard Dinah say.

I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Are you gonna eat your lunch? I'd be happy to take it off your hands," She said reaching out to grab it.

"Yeah, D back off." I playfully shooed her.

She pouted.

"I'm kidding here, you can have my desert," I said handing her a left over chocolate cake from my little sister's birthday party from the other night.

"Yum. This cake was amaze balls yesterday," Dinah smiled accepting the cake.

"Wrong use of cake and balls in the same sentence," Darren scrunched his face in disgust.

Ally playfully slapped his arm. "Darren!"

"Hey I'm just saying." Darren said putting his hands up in defense.

Then suddenly our peace had been disturbed. Madison hit her hand hard against the table catching our attention. I turned to look in her direction and saw her and her crew, but more importantly I saw Lauren. She looked amazing today. She wore a lace crop top under a black leather jacket, tight skinny jeans that fit her body perfectly and black open toed strapped heels. On her face she wore minimal make up with her signature red lip stick that matched with the color of her nails. Lastly her hair hung loosely curled and looked as if it was pushed back with her hand. I quickly got my self together and shook my head.

"Hey Brains, who has something good today?" Madison asked looking at each of us.

Everyone did the usual routine. We all took out our lunch from our bags and placed the goods on the table in plain sight. I felt a bit rebellious and took everything out except for a brownie that had also been a left over from sofi's party.

"Let's start with you," Vero said pointing at Ally.

"Left over macaroni salad and chicken," She said holding up her plastic container.

"Mine," Drew said grabbing her container.

Ally frowned.

"Next," Vero conducted.

"A salad and fruit punch," Mani said.

"Dibs," Madison said.

Mani handed her it.

"Keep it going," Vero instructed.

"Uh, a pb and j sandwich and..." Dinah hesitated, "Chocolate cake."

"Yum . . . thank you." Vero said reaching over and taking her food.

"My cake . . ." Dinah mumbled sadly.

Vero stuffed her face with cake, then with a mouthful of it said, "Next."

"Baked Dijon Salmon with a side of angel hair scampi pasta." Darren proudly addressed the dishes he had prepared himself.

"Delish. Mine." Michael said holding out his hand for Darren to hand him his lunch.

Darren sighed and obliged.

"And lastly, the one and only . . . bows!" Vero announced.

I sighed. "A turkey Brest sandwich with a side of steamed veggies."

Madison narrowed her eyes at me. Her hazel eyes searing holes through my own. "Liar, the bag . . . it's still standing, meaning you're hiding something."

Damn it.

Lauren reached over and grabbed my bag. She looked inside and pulled out a brownie.

"Dessert!" Lauren smiled before taking a bite out of it. "Mmm," She hummed savoring it as she chewed it slowly.

Defeated, I handed her my plastic container to take.

"Not today Bows, I'm on a diet," She winked before walking away and taking the group with her.

Darren, Dinah, Mani and Ally all glared at me.

"Lucky . . . you actually get to eat," Darren pouted.

"She . . . she took my cake," Dinah said her voice cracking along with her broken heart.

"I was starving . . ." Ally frowned.

"Me too," Mani added.

I sighed. "It doesn't hurt to share Right?" I shrugged before ripping my sandwich into 5 pieces and handing them all one.

"OMG MILA I LOVE YOU," Ally gratefully accepted.

"Your the best," Mani added.

"Thanks Mila," Darren smiled.

"My cake . . ." Dinah said still heart broken.

We laughed at her comment.

"Let it go D, I think my mom's baking again tonight. Wanna come over?"

Her face lit up. "I'll BE THERE."

We all laughed at her reaction and continued with the rest of our school day, dodging, avoiding and hiding from them.

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