Chapter 20

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Camila's POV

I think I spent almost the whole night crying. It really hurt me when Lauren verbally said that she didn't love me. I mean I knew she didn't but hearing it was a whole different story. I wanted to tell someone because I knew Lauren had done the right thing. But it still hurt because she wasn't lying. Everything that came out of her mouth was the cold hard truth. It was everything she hasn't said. It was everything she had not admitted to herself. And I just needed to tell someone. My first thought was Darren. But he wasn't answering his phone. My second option was Dinah, but then I remembered that she didn't know anything. And then there was Ariana. But she wasn't even an option. She didn't know about Lauren. And she couldn't. I don't know how she would react and I wasn't planning on having her too.

I've decided to ignore her all night and even the next day. I didn't feel like going to school but I had too. I was only really going because I had to preform with Lauren. But if it wasn't for that, then I'd play hooky for another day... Make that a month. But I had to go and I honestly don't know how I found myself walking through those school building doors. Behind them was the girl I loved and the girl I didn't love enough. None the less, I walked in ready to face my day. Okay maybe I wasn't so ready and I can thank my uncontrollable shaking for that.

Throughout my day, I was avoiding everyone. Even my friends. They always knew when something was wrong with me. So I couldn't have them asking was what wrong every five seconds, because I would eventually break.


I was walking to advanced choir when I saw Lauren hit a right at the corner, where we would come face to face, but to the best of my ability I turned on my heel and took the long way. But that wasn't the right way either. While I was scrambling to get away from Lauren I bumped into someone. I didn't collapse but the collision had pushed me back a little. I regained my composure and realized it was Ariana. I looked at her wide eyed as she shook her head lightly to regain her vision. She rubbed her eyes for a few seconds before she groggily said, "Camila?"


"Are you okay? You've sorta been a wall lately." She said putting a supportive hand on my arm.

I shook my head lightly. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. I just needed to be alone for a while."

"Why? What's bothering you babe?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know." I lied.

She gave me an uncertain look, but shook off my weird behavior, "I'm here for you, whenever you want to talk. Okay? But for now I need to get you to class. You have a song to preform." She gently smiled before she grasped my hand and lead me towards Swope's class.


Darren's POV

Mila's been a wall all day. I haven't seen her at all and she's been calling me all night. I tried calling back this morning but I couldn't get a hold of her. The night before was hectic. I was trying to figure out what I was going to say to Michael. Yes, I still haven't talked to him, but hey sue me. You can't blame a guy for being a pussy when he wants to confess his feelings to his daily tormentor. But I was planning on doing it the next time we weren't on school grounds. Because that way, no matter what his answer would be, we would both be safe.

So it was the end of lunch and there was still no sign of Mila. I thought she was playing hooky for another day until I saw her talking to Ariana. She seemed uncomfortable or something. By her body language I could tell she was lying. But what could she be lying about?

"Don't they look so cute?" Mani said as we were walking down the hall.

"Ugh." I grunted looking back at them.

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