Chapter 72: Part 3

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Narrator's POV

The next morning, Lauren knocked on the Cabello's front door while holding a hot pizza box in her hands.

Unaware that she was coming over, Sinu opened the door.

"Lauren?" Sinu asked a bit taken a back.

The green eyed girl offered her a small smile.

Out of habit, Camila's mother was about to hug the green eyed girl but stopped herself not knowing if it was appropriate considering the situation.

Instead she nervously laughed at her slip up before she meet Lauren's gaze and gave her a loving but sad smile," Mija, it's been a while hasn't it?"

"Yeah it has..." Lauren responded lowering her gaze before she met her eyes again, "but I brought a delivery."

"For Karla?"


"I'm afraid she's still asleep."

"At this hour?"

"Yes, lately she's been sleeping in a lot."

"Oh..." Lauren frowned, " Well, is it okay if I wake her up?"

"No, no, go ahead. She's overslept enough."

"Thank you." Lauren said before she made her way in and then upstairs.

When she arrived outside Camila's room, she lightly knocked on the door with the back of her hand. She didn't feel like she was in a place where she could just walk in. It wasn't like it used to be. Nothing was like it used to be. 

So hoping for her answer was the only thing she could do.

After a few seconds, a groggy, tired, voice said, "I know mama. Just give me five more minutes."

"Camz." The green eyed girl said, "It's Lauren."

The brown eyed girl's head popped up. She panicked as her hands fumbled around for her glasses. Once she found them under the duvet, she put them on and then got up. She found herself walking over to her door and was about to open it but stopped. Her hand hovered over the door knob as she was trying to think of a reason to open one of the barriers she still had between them. A barrier she had full control over.

However, for some reason, she wanted to open the door. But why? Was there something she told Lauren last night? Or did they hook up and suddenly everything was fine? Everything past dropping her contact lens was a blur, besides the moment she had with the green eyed girl in her bedroom. And that's when it hit her.

"She still loves me." The brunette breathed to herself.


"I-uh-I'm coming give me a second." She responded as she looked for a way out.

She thought about escaping through the window or to maybe hide in the restroom or shoot even in the closet, but eventually, she gave up and figured that she had to face Lauren some other time anyway.

"Stop being a pussy Camila. Don't let her know you're vulnerable or scared. Don't let her know she has the power." The brown eyed girl chanted to herself before she gripped the door knob and opened the door.

Lauren offered her a cute, welcoming smile before she held up the box in her hands and said, "Just like I promised." 

Camila furrowed her brows in confusion, "Huh?"

"Last night, when you were wasted, you didn't let me drive you home unless I got you some. But Garlic Brothers closes around 11 so...yeah." She shrugged.

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