Chapter 14

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Camila's POV

It was third period. Throughout the day, I've only been thinking about one thing and that was Lauren. She has been on my mind for the past three days. And honestly, they have been the worst days of my life. I missed her and her whitty remarks. I missed her laugh, her smile, her piercing green eyes that seemed to look through my soul. And her affection.

Darren was the only person who knew. He came over every night to comfort me and made sure that I wouldn't do anything stupid. But through my sadness there had also been anger. And that was simply because I didn't understand her. She only wanted to get into my pants but after I didn't let her, she got furious. And after that...I did too. But through it all, she didn't want to let me go. What was stopping her? Why couldn't I be another one of those girls who she cuts the cord with? Why did she want to keep me around? Why did she let me go? Why am I asking all these questions?! Oh, yeah because I'm in love with the most unavailable person on this planet.

"Mila..." Dinah whispered disrupting my deep thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked turning around in my chair to face her.

"Do you want to be partners with us? Your partners not here." She said pointing at the board.

I turned around and realized that Ms. Lockhart, our extremely young blonde English teacher, wrote down our names next to our designated partner's for the quarter. I squinted my eyes at the board and managed to read, Ariana Grande next to my name. I cocked my brow at this mystery girl. I literately knew a lot of people at Bal Harbor, but she was definitely not one of them. I turned back to meet Dinah's gaze.

"Sur-" I was about to say when the doors flew open, revealing an exasperated girl, who looked like she had just ran a mile. She bended down on her knees and panted her life away. Ms.Lockhart put a supportive hand on her shoulder and asked her if she was okay. The girl nodded and apologized for being late. Ms. Lockhart then quickly explained what we were doing and directed her towards the empty seat next to me. Once the girl got to her seat and was situated, the whole class began to talk amongst themselves. I turned back around into my seat and sat there awkwardly. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't even know why she made me feel this nervous. Maybe it was because she was actually really pretty. I don't know.

"Hi." She said breaking the silence.

I turned to look at her and smiled gently, "Hi."

"You're Camila right?"

"Yeah. And I'm guessing you're Ariana?"

"Yeah." She sweetly smiled.

"Are you like new or something? I haven't seen you around."

"No. I've been here since freshman year."



You think I would notice her. But I haven't. Holy shit.

"That's crazy, I've never seen you around." I said furrowing my brows as I tried to recall at least one time.

"We've had the same choir class since freshman year." She revealed.

"Holy shit. No way." I said in total disbelief.

"Really. Trust me, I've noticed you around." She said with a smirk.

I felt my cheeks turn red.

I cleared my throat and turned to look at the board for our task. I squinted my eyes at the board trying to read it as best as I could.

"It says that we have to read and annotate this expert from the scarlet letter." She said pulling out her copy. She looked down and began to read as she tapped her pencil against her desk. I took this time to really look at her. She was wearing a navy blue Bal Harbor volley ball team hoodie, simple skinny jeans and black converse. Her hair was loosely up in a bund and she wore minimal make up. As if she needed it. She was beautiful.

"Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to read?" She said moving her eyes to glance at me with an adorable amused smile.

I jerked a little in my seat at the sound of her words. I then bit my lip, picked up my copy and buried my face in it. After finishing the task, I glanced back at Ariana who looked so concentrated in the literary work we were reading.

"You done Camila?" She asked noticing my gaze.

I chocked on air when I realized that she knew I was staring. I recovered quickly though and nervously scratched the nape of my neck. "Uh...yeah. Here." I said handing her my copy to well copy.

She pushed it back towards me, "Thanks but I'm fine."

I looked at her in shock, "What?"

"I did it on my own." She said showing me her copy full of annotations.

Woah. A jock who rejected to copy a brains work? Are we still in Bal Harbor? I asked myself looking around the room for verification.

"Camila?" She said stifling a laugh. "You okay there?"

"Yeah, it's just you said no." I said in disbelief.

"I did. What's so surprising about it?"

"Your kind doesn't just say no to A grade work." I said not realizing how stereotypic that sounded. I mentally face palmed myself for that one. Way to go Camila. "It just surprised me that's all."

"We're not all the same you know." She simply said closing her copy and putting it away in her duffel bag.

"What do you mean?"

"We all don't make it our goals to hurt or annoy you guys, let alone use you for your brains." She said pointing at her head. "I rather look for what you have in there." She pointed at my heart. "Because in the end that's all that matters."

I was starstruck by her words. "Wow." I breathed.

She chuckled lightly, "Yeah, here let me introduce myself again. I'm Ariana, not the jock but the person. Nice to meet you Camila." She said extending out her hand.

I smiled at her intention, "I'm Camila, the person. Not the brain."

"Well Camila. You're very beautiful." She said briefly analyzing me.

I felt my face turn red. I quickly let go of her hand realizing that our hands had been in contact for longer that they should have. I cleared my throat and got myself together. "Thank you." I murmured."And your also..." I said trying to formulate my words. "very.... pretty."

She laughed at my flustered ness. Then the bell suddenly rang. In that instant I began to put my things in my bag. Ariana waited until I finished. I looked behind me to make sure that I was the person who she was waiting for. And I had to be. I was the only one left in the room.

"Um are you waiting for me?"

"Yeah. I want to get to know you better. If you don't mind, I'd like to walk you to class." She shrugged.

I felt my face turn crimson. "Me?" I pointed at myself in disbelief.

"Yes you." She quipped, then grabbed my books from my desk and held them for me. "Come on. I don't want you to be late." She said nodding towards the door.

I gulped and followed her out. She wants to be with me in public? This girl can't be real. I have to be dreaming right now. Because no human being of her kind has ever been so open and kind to someone like me. And to top it off, she was stunning and interested in me. Like punch me in the face and wake me up now. I wonder how this will play out. How people will react? This is going to be interesting...

A/n: Another update coming up. Sorry for the wait guys but I'm making I'm up for it by uploading twice maybe even three times tonight. Again thanks for reading. And always tell me what you think. Comments & votes motivate me. Love you all.


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