Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

Laying on top of her messy sex hair was a feather. I looked at her and wondered what the fuck I had just done. But what I really found myself doing was admiring her every feature. Every line, curve and shape simply fascinated me. Her beautiful cascading brown locks were scattered all over my chest, hiding her slumberous face. Her body was covered by her white bed sheet that had been hugging her body, exposing everyone of her curves and draping off her lower right shoulder just above my lower chest. Last night, wasn't a blur. I had been able to remember every detail about it and I think that's because we left something to remember. In simple terms it was great. Sex with Camila was something I've never had before. It meant something. Something more than I could ever imagine and that's simply because I felt everything. Her pain, her happiness, her anger, her sadness, her love, everything. And I loved it.

I don't know what got into me last night, but I couldn't help myself anymore. I did something that I've been dying to do since the day I meet her and I don't regret any of it. I really didn't think things would turn out this way but somehow, I just knew. When her endearing brown eyes met mine at the door, it was as if we were back there again. It felt as if it was the first time we ever saw eachother. And back then I knew too. Something about that petite cute nerd drew me in and told me that something like this would happen. But I never thought that I'd fall in love with her? I never thought that someone like her would have this effect on me...that someone like her would consume my heart.

As morning creaked into the curtain, I rubbed my eyes and realized the fucked up situation we were in. I had sex with the girl I thought I didn't love. A girl that belonged to another girl at the moment. A girl who was simply not mine. I shook my head lightly before I rested my head back down to avoid waking her up. I watched her sleep for a while as I put my problems aside for the time being. I kept myself busy by watching how she sleeps and what adorable habits she had. One of my favorite habits of hers, were her mumbles. She would say the most adorable things about her favorite artists, her friends and most of the time, me. After listening to a few of her mutters, I decided that I too should fall into the arms of slumber. Because maybe, if I was lucky enough, I would wake up and realize that this was all just a dream.
Camila's POV

I felt day light reflect against my eye lids. The brightness was starting penetrate through them and sting their way into my fragile eyes. I opened them slowly to avoid any further pain. When I had opened them completely, I had realized where I had been. I was laying in bed on top of another person, my body trapping their warmth. At the sudden realization, my head popped up and took a look at the beautiful person that laid beneath me. Lauren had been sleeping peacefully under me with her arm draped around my lower waist. She had been hugging me protectively as if she didn't want me to slip away during the night. Although being here with her was pleasant, I couldn't ignore the fucked up situation we were in. I knew that what we did was wrong, but it didn't feel like that last night. But I also couldn't ignore the fact that I had a girlfriend and that I just cheated on her. The overwhelming guilt was beginning to eat me away but fear had already consumed me. I was afraid that I would be caught or worse my parents would come home and see all this. I had to clean this mess up or else I'd be grounded until I graduated college.

I looked around the room and saw a bunch of our clothes scattered all over my floor. If my room had been like this, I couldn't imagine what kind of shape my house was in. The thought of it just caused me to mutter one simple word, "Shit." At that moment, I got up. I didn't even bother to do it subtly or anything. If I woke up Lauren, then I woke her up. I had bigger problems to worry about right now.

The first thing I did was quickly grab some clothes to throw on. I had changed into a blue Demi Tee and black pj shorts. After finally having some clothes on me, I found myself quickly gathering the many items that had been scattered all over the floor. I really wondered how the hell some things that had been sitting on my night stand had fallen or possibly been thrown off. I didn't waste anymore thought when I think I knew the answer.

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