Chapter 68 Part 1

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Narrator's POV

It was 12 in the afternoon. The judge had just finished settling himself in as the jury and audience filled. Lauren sat beside Carmen. Her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her black skirt as her heart was erratically beating out of her chest.

The blonde was still not anywhere to be seen. But Lauren wasn't surprised, she was always one to make an entrance. And just as the judge was about to suggest a reschedule, Cara walked in with a confident strut and a lawyer beside her.

"Someone's fashionably late." Camila couldn't help but mutter.

A sly smirk formed on Cara's lips at the sound of her words just before she took her seat.

Lauren's breath hitched as the demeanor of the whole room changed. She hoped that Cara wouldn't show up. She hoped that maybe just maybe, they could postpone the trial, but there was no way that was even an option now.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. If you would please stand up and raise your right hand as the clerk issues the oath."

Everyone but the audience did so.

"Do each of you solemnly swear or affirm that you will well and truly address the issues between Lauren Jauregui and the defendant Cara Delevigne and run a true verdict under the U.S. and Florida state law so help you God."

"I do." They swore.

The judge signaled for everyone to take a seat before he cleared his throat and continued, "Jury, you have been selected to try the case and allegations against Miss. Delevigne under the offenses of rape and having sex with an under aged minor."

He put on his glasses and squinted at the paper in front of him before he spoke again, "Due to the time schedule we designed, this case will be resolved by the end of today. The charges pressed against Miss. Delevigne will be reveled at the conclusion of this case. Your decision should only be based upon the evidence and law provided which I will explain later on in this trail. It is my responsibility to explain to you the laws that apply and it is your responsibility to decide what the facts of the case may be and to apply the law that I instruct you on in order to reach a lawful verdict."

Lauren couldn't help but feel like she was suffocating in the suit she wore. The judge's words scared the crap out of her because they made everything real. And Lauren couldn't help but fear what was real. But Camila's words from yesterday, offered her some sort of comfort.

"We will now begin with the opening statements. Carmen de la Piedad will start us off."

Camila's aunt stood up and walked over to face the jury. She crossed her hands before she looked up at them and began, "Ahh, summer. A time where there are barely any responsibilities or burdens to stress over. A time that you're supposed to remotely remember forever. But Lauren Jauregui, didn't have a choice but to remember the summer that she was violated and repeatedly seduced by her so called friend, Cara Delevigne. That was the very burden she carried with her since and we are here today to fight for the justice that Miss. Jauregui has been deprived of for all these years."

"Thank you. Now we will hear from Lawrence Rigglmen who will be defending Miss. Delevigne."

A man with slicked back hair stood up before he addressed the jury, "Friendship. A word that can go a long way and can sometimes be confusing. In the summer of the incident, Miss. Delevigne had just come back to Miami from her first year at Cambridge. She didn't expect to befriend Miss. Jauregui, but it became inevitable since the girls had become so close in such a short time. Miss. Delevigne loved Miss. Jauregui, in fact she loved her so much that she practically became her little sister. But as their frienship deepened, so did feelings. However, those feelings were one sided and were directed towards Miss. Delevigne. Being the very appealing woman she is, Lauren became smitten and attempted to seduce Miss. Delevigne. Due to her values and obvious morality, Miss. Delevigne never engaged in ANY type of sexual or intimate activity with Miss. Jauregui and we are here to defend ourselves from these false accusa-"

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