Chapter 67: Part 1

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Camila's POV

She looked different.
She had short hair that went above her shoulder. Make up that further intensified her features. And a face that could kill anyone that looked her way.

Her clothes were different too. She looked like a sophisticated woman now.

She was wearing a fitted beige trench coat with white skinny jeans and black heels that matched the buttons. In her arm, she held a Gucci hand bag.

By the looks of her own surprise, she didn't expect to meet Lauren at the door either.

The blonde was about to open her mouth to say something but before she even could, I freaked out and shut the door in her face.

I stood there frozen for a few seconds before I snapped out of it and exhaled. I was holding my breath and I didn't even know it. And my nerves, I could feel myself shaking in anger. I clenched my fists to suppress the impending rage within me. But I couldn't. It wasn't enough. But it had to be. And so, after taking a few deep breaths, I was able to calm myself to aid to my girlfriend.

I turned to face her and caressed her cheek, "Hey, it's okay. I'm here."

She didn't move a muscle. She was just staring blankly ahead of me. It was like she didn't hear me.



"Babe, please. You gotta breath." I told her noticing that her chest wasn't moving.

She didn't respond.

"Lauren." I sternly called.

She blinked and finally exhaled.

I rubbed her back as she held onto her chest. She was struggling to breath. So I talked her through a few breathing exercises my doctor showed me and it helped, but she was still in pure shock. Her skin was as pale as a ghost. And she didn't even know it but she was crying.

She was so terrified and the reason behind that was still standing outside that door. I had to get her away. Somehow. But before I could even conjure a way to do that, Mr. Jauregui walked up to
us and cocked his brow up in confusion. He was about to ask something before we heard another knock. He then walked past us and opened the door.

A smile creeped on his lips when he met the blue eyed woman, "Cara?"

She flashed him a charming smile, "That's the name." She quipped in a British accent.

"I didn't know you'd be back so soon? You're father said you were coming home but I didn't expect to see you for a while."

She shyly smiled, "Yeah, I just figured I had some old business to take care of."

"Is that so? Why don't you come in and tell me all about it. Clara just prepared dinner-"

"Actually..." She said glancing at Lauren.

I grasped her hand and tightly held it.

"I just wanted to stop by to say hi."

"Oh but by all means, you must join-"

"-I would love too." Cara interrupted, "It's just, my fathers expecting me back at the loft soon. He's not quite ready to let me wander around after disappearing for so long."

Mr. Jauregui chuckled, "Oh trust me. I get it. Lauren just came back from a spontaneous trip herself."

Cara cocked her brow and looked at Lauren. She smirked and said, "Is that so? Let me guess. With your dad's money?"

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