Chapter 51

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Camila's POV

I looked up from my lunch and realized that a pair of brown eyes were watching me in the distance.

The cut on her lip hadn't healed and she made no efforts to cover it up. She kind of looked like me a little, besides the whole getting hit by a bus look. But of all people, I would have thought that she would make some effort to cover up her battle scars. But I guess not and maybe she did that in the hopes of eliciting some type of response from the people around her. I don't know though, you can never be too sure about Madison. I mean you could try, but you'd never get anywhere.

Our eyes stared back at one another until I realized that I had dozed off and had been having a staring contest with her from across the room. I don't know what it was but her eyes...her eyes had the most unreadable expression. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. But I had a pretty good idea since Lauren told me about her little crush on me yesterday.

However, something told me that wasn't the reason why she was staring at me. There had to of have been something else. But I could't even begin to imagine what.

"Mila?" Darren said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head lightly before I met his gaze and responded, "Yeah?"

"Where's your girlfriend?"

I practically chocked on my own saliva. They all gave me a confused look before I got myself together and said, "She's not my girlfriend, and she skipped school today. "


"She isn't quite ready to confront everyone after what happened."

"No, yeah I mean I know that. I texted her this morning. But I meant, why isn't she your girlfriend yet?"



"I don't know okay." I finally sighed.

"You're full of shit."

"I'm not lying. I seriously don't know."

"Really? You haven't even stopped to think about it, not even once?"

The guilt quickly made itself evident on my face, "Maybe a few times."

"Okay then, let's try this again, why isn't she your girlfriend yet?"

I scrunched up my face as I thought.

Does it look like I even have the slightest idea? This is like asking me if I know why the sky's blue and not green.

"Ugh, I don't fucking know okay."

They all gave me a pointed look.

"We probably just haven't had the time to ask. Things have been pretty hectic lately."

"Okay then ask her today when you get home." Dinah interjected.

I looked at her like she was crazy, "I can't just ask her Dinah."

"Why not?"

"Because...I dont know...that type of thing is really special and should be thought out."

"Okay then we'll help you." Darren offered.

"Guys seriously-"

"-what are you so worried about?" Mani interrupted.

"That she'll laugh in my face because it's such a stupid question."

They all burst out in laughter. I furrowed my brows at how insensitive they were being.

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