Chapter 53

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Camila's POV

My heart stopped when I read Lauren's last sign. I didn't know what to say. I mean I did. But the words just wouldn't come out. The only thing I could hear was my heart beating out of my chest and I could almost swear Lauren heard it too.

I tried to scream, mutter or even mumble my answer but nothing would come out of my mouth.

Lauren furrowed her brows in concern and the obvious hurt already made it's way to her face.

Suddenly my hands flew to the window seal and slammed it shut. I then got a grey zip up sweater from my closet and threw it on me. After that, I didn't waste anymore time in getting to the front door.

Once there, I ignored my mothers yell and ran out of the door and over to Lauren's.

Outside, I slipped on some slippery grass. My body collided against a puddle. I looked up and realized that it was raining. I quickly caught myself and got up. I looked down at myself and realized that my sweater and jeans had been soaking in dirty rain water.

I quickly shook it off and got back to business. I ran to Lauren's door and rang the bell once my feet hit her porch.

I started to pant as I waited for the love of my life to open the door. The seconds itself might of felt like forever by she didn't have me waiting long.

She flung the door open and stared at me with furrowed brows and worry etched all over her face.

I couldn't help but cup her face and crash our lips together. She instantly calmed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around my waist. Our lips moved together in sync as everything in me wanted to yell my answer into her mouth. But she quickly shut me up when she slipped her tongue into my mouth.


I quickly pulled away and breathed, "Yes."

"Yes?" Lauren asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled before I hugged her and rested my head in the crook of her neck.

She slowly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a tighter hug. She then kissed the side of my head and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too." I breathed back.

"You know, you really had me worried for a second."

"I'm sorry. I just had to come here and say it. I was afraid that I'd jump out my window for you."

"Would you?"


Lauren smirked, "I'd probably do the same thing."

"I don't doubt it."

Lauren chuckled before she shivered, "You're wet."

I pulled away from her and felt my myself, "You're right. Why did you hug me?"

"Because you'd do the same for me." Lauren smiled, "Remember when you got me wet?"

I smiled amusingly, "At lunch right?"

Lauren playfully hit my arm, "Yes at lunch you dork. You hugged me even though I was soaking."

"Oh yeah."

"Here why don't you come inside? Lauren suggested, stepping aside for me to come in.

"I actually think I left my mom back a little worried..."

She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"I kind of barged out of the house and ran over here while she was yelling at me."

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