Chapter 59

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Camila's POV

After school, my mother was running around the house frantically. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect tonight. She cleaned the whole house spotless, prepared dinner, and even managed to get Sofi and herself dressed in as little as a few hours.

I didn't understand what the big deal was. I mean, it was just Lauren. My parents have known the Jauregui's for years and I don't know what was so different about this one that made her so insecure about our home.

I tried to pretend that I wasn't totally nervous, but I couldn't help the churning in my stomach that formed every time I thought about my fathers reaction. I mean, I knew he wouldn't banish me or anything, but it was always hard telling a parent something they thought they knew about you. It's difficult watching them realize that they never knew you to begin with. That they didn't know this part of you that formed your whole being.

But either way, I tried to suck it up because I really wanted things to go smoothly tonight. And I hoped that Lauren felt the same as I did too.


Narrators POV

Lauren walked off the field after her coach had dismissed them. She got a little shit about her absence in the beginning of the practice but with her charm and skills she was able to wash away her teammates and coaches concerns.

When she got home, she showered, then dressed up for the occasion next door. She didn't want to over do it, so she wore a sleeveless, floral crop top, washed out ripped skinny jeans, black open toed heels and a pair of circle snapped sunglasses. She didn't have to look at herself in the mirror to know that she looked good but she did push back her hair to intensify it. After she felt that she was ready, she went I've to her night stand and retrieved her phone. There, she couldn't help but look at the empty baggie that was sitting under her it.

It was her sickening desire that taunted her. Mocking her because she couldn't have any. And the simple fact that every atom in her body was telling her to inhale the bag for any remaining particles, frustrated her. It had been like that for a few days now. She thought that she didn't need it anymore when Camila became a permanent addition to her life but that didn't seem to be the case. Her body wanted more and she was determined to give herself more.

She took a deep breath before she slipped her phone into her pocket and left her bedroom. She quickly made it down stairs and out the door. She didn't want to be anywhere knew the stuff. She was afraid that if she stayed too long, she'd decide to miss diner to find some.

She successfully made it out and took a few seconds to catch her breath. The want was becoming extremely difficult to control but she managed to get her shit together to meet her girlfriend's family tonight. That was her only motivation and she was planning to keep hold of it.

She walked over to the Cabello's residence and rang the doorbell. She waited patiently for someone to answer the door and before she knew it, her girlfriend did.

Camila smiled at her.

Lauren leaned against the doorway and asked, "You're parents home tonight? I thought we could you know..."

Camila rolled her eyes and playfully pushed her shoulder, "Yes they're here. So no we can't fuck tonight."

Lauren frowned, "Oh poo."

"But hey, look at the positives, my mom cooked a really nice dinner for you and if your good enough maybe they'll like you."

Lauren scoffed, "Of course they'll like me."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm me."

Camila held the bridge of her nose and shook her head lightly, "I don't even know why I date you honestly."

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