Chapter 33

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Camila's POV

Throughout the rest of the period, Lauren had been exchanging meaningful glances with me. It was like we were magnets attracted to each other. No matter how much we would try, we couldn't help it. The attraction was too strong.... too addicting. But as I lost myself into the green eyed girl's eyes, in the corner of my own I could see my girlfriend glaring back at her. Lauren however, tried to maintain eye contact with me until she felt the need to piss Ariana off even more. As my girlfriend's blood boiled in anger, Lauren managed to keep a sly smirk on her face as she mocked her. Although Ariana's menacing glares and Lauren's constant teasing scared the crap out of me, we managed to get through the rest of class with no real problems.

When the bell rang, Ariana and Lauren both turned to look at me. It was as if they both wanted to talk to me. As if they both wanted to take me away at this second; to claim me or even worse mark their territory where it didn't belong. And quite frankly, I knew that our encounters wouldn't end well. So the first thing I did was practically speed walk my way out of the classroom with the huge glob of students that hungered for social freedom. On my way out, I quickly scanned the hall for someone I knew. When my eyes met the rim of Darren's glasses in the distance, I quickly made my way over to him. When I did, I forcefully pulled him to the side of the school where no prep or any jock would dare to go, the library.

"What? I was in the middle of a conversation-" Darren began to complain.

"-Sorry, but Lauren and Ariana had optically engaged in a world war 3 and it seemed as if by the end of class, they wanted to talk or get to me before the other did and I was just so-" I said trying to find a word to express how I felt.

"-Scared." He finished for me.

"Yeah." I breathed.

"I get it Mila, but you've got to calm down." He said noticing my obvious distress.

"I'm fine Dar. I just-" I tried to find a reason to explain my behavior.

"You're not, you're shaking." He said putting his hands on my fore arms to calm me. "Look, why don't you come out with me today? There's a get together-"

"-Darren I really don't feel like partying." I interrupted him. "I'm trying to break up with someone and recreating project X isn't going to help."

"Bring her along. And a little bit into the party, pull her aside to talk to her privately."

"But it's too public I can't-"

"-You can. Fuck the surroundings. I know I was the one who said not to do it in a public place, but by that I mainly meant at school or like the super market or something. And who knows a party might be the perfect place to do it. I mean it's public, but at the same time it's not."

I gave him a pointed look.

"Come on, either way she's going to react the same way."

"Yeah, But-"

"No buts. You're coming with me tonight. You need to get this off your chest and try to forget about it afterwords. What better place than to break up with someone than a party where you can forget and pretend that nothing ever happened?"

"Darren a party is not a good place to break up with someone."

He pondered it for a few seconds. "Yeah, you're right but either way you're coming out with me and bringing her with us." He said pulling me towards the school entrance.

"Where are we going?"

"To your house. You're going to shower, change and text Ariana. Then after I doll you up, we're going over to my house so I can get ready and afterwords were going to the party."

"You can't just make me go to a party against my own will."

"I'm one of your best friends. Of course I can."

I audibly groaned as I was forcefully pulled out of the school building and into Ally's car that patiently waited parked at the rear end of the school for us. "I fucking hate you Darren." I grumbled as I clicked on my seat belt.

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