Chapter 48

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Camila's POV

After I quickly finished my breakfast I took the initiative to go to the store to get the things my mother needed to prepare tonight's dinner. I took my old, blue, beat up, PT cruiser while my mother took Sofi to school. I wore my helmet this time because of what Sofi said earlier.

Luckily, I managed to get to the store in one piece and buy the groceries. Even more surprisingly I made it home safety without running into any serious problems. Or prep problems that is.

In my drive way, Lauren had been leaning against her car. The black R8 spyder was in one piece, brand new even, it looked as if there wasn't even a scratch on it. I quickly peddled over and set my bike aside when I got to her. She had her hands in her jean pockets, wearing a smug smirk as she stared at me walking towards her.

I couldn't help but stare at her car. There was no dent on it at all. It looked as if she just bought it from a dealership. Which knowing her, I wouldn't doubt it. But I couldn't help but be in pure awe of it. The groceries were practically slipping out of my hands as I tried to decipher how the hell she had managed to fix her mess in as little than a few hours. She quickly caught one of the bags that fell out of my hand. She then held it up and quirked a brow, "You went shopping?"

I shook my head lightly when I heard her husky voice, "Yeah, my mom needed a few things for tonight's dinner."

Lauren looked inside the bag and saw a few of the things that I had bought. "Why so much stuff?"

"Because were having your family over tonight."

"Wait what?"

"Our moms organized this dinner to get our families to get to "know" eachother."

"What? Well that's stupid. It's not like that's going to change anything. We're already..." Lauren said trying to find the word to describe our status.

"Seeing eachother." I finished.

"Yeah. And they're already friends so..."

"I know but, it's important to them so let's just try to endure it."

"Alright." Lauren mumbled, grabbing the other bags from me.


"-it's okay babe. I got it." Lauren said before walking towards my door.

Something seemed off.

I walked up to her and tilted my head to the side.


"You seem upset, what's up?"

Lauren sighed, "I had to pay a fucking fortune to get my car fixed up so fast."

"How much was it?"

"It doesn't matter. Point is, I spent almost half the money I was saving up to fix it."

I placed my hand on her forearm and gave it light affectionate squeeze. "How long will it take you to replace it?"

"I don't know. Maybe a few months if I play my cards right."

"As in being nice to your parents?"

"Yeah. Considering the fact that I hat my father, I'm going to have get over that if I want to have enough money to buy new equipment."

"Dj equipment?" I asked opening the door with my key.

"Yeah." Lauren said walking into my house as I followed.

I closed the door behind me and asked, "Why would you need new equipment? Isn't the one you have at home brand new?"

"It's a few years old but I take care of it. That's why it looks new."

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