Chapter 11

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Lauren's POV

I looked for Camila everywhere. I needed to get to her before they did. I hated the fact that she didn't listen to me when I told her to leave. I was obviously doing it for a reason. I wasn't trying to be a total asshole, I was trying to protect her. I mean not that I cared but it was the least I could do for her. She didn't have anything to do with the prank, therefore she didn't deserve to pay for it.

As I walked around my property, my worry began to grow worse. It had literately been almost a half hour since I had received the text and lost Camila. I hoped that they haven't started yet or else, she'd hate me for the rest of my life. I was about to give up, when I heard an idiot slur, "Fuck you. I can chug the whole thing if you dared me too."

I turned to meet the sweet raspy voice. It belonged to none other than my choir partner. She was surrounded by a bunch of college boys who were holding a keg. She held a .cup in the air as she swore she could finish the whole keg on her own.

"Challenge accepted. But if you lose, you're ours in bed tonight." A horney college boy proposed.

"Deal. But if I win, you have to get me all the one direction stuff I want." Camila stupidly accepted.

I made my way over to them, before she could start the challenge. I grabbed her forcefully by her wrist and gave the guys a death glare. They instantly backed away and continued with their ridiculous shenanigans without us.

"Oww Stop mom. I wanna go back. Those nice men where going to buy me a Harry Styles. Don't you know how hard it is to get one of those?!" She slurred.

My grip on her tightened. "I'm not your mom. It's Lauren. And you're drunk. You need to go home." I said pulling her towards the front door.

"Home?! No! My mom will kill me if she knows I went to a party and got drunk. Lauren please. I can't- I don't want to disappoint her." She pleaded.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But, you have no where to stay. Madison's in the guest room and-"

"Please don't put me in the same bed as Madison. I'll be a dead girl in the morning." She pleaded clinging onto me.

I sighed, "Fine. I guess you can stay in my room. But you go straight to bed okay? Don't come out for the rest of the party."

She was about to open her mouth when I heard Drew's voice echo through the whole house. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. MAY I INTRODUCE TO YOU, THE BRAINS!"

It was starting.

At that instant, Camila ran towards the source of the voice.


I had followed her into my backyard. She ran into the huge crowd of people that viewed her friends. Well two of them the other two seemed to be missing. They were sitting in four seats along side with other brains who weren't apart of Camila's individual group of friends. They were tied to the back of the seats and bound by their hands and feet. Drew held up a microphone that he had been talking through, to introduce each of the brains. After he did so, he signaled Vero and a few other jocks to pour the buckets on them that they had been holding over their heads. The red gooey substance that was poured on these poor individuals was pigs blood. Cliche, but hey it works to get the job done. I felt bad for them, but I couldn't do anything about it. It was our way of getting back at them. But that's why I didn't want Camila or any of her friends to come here in the first place. I tried to protect them but they didn't listen and Camila as ignorant as she was- WAIT CAMILA. WHERE THE HELL IS CAMILA. I ran into the crowd and shoved people out of my way. I wasn't too late. The intoxicated girl had been standing in between a crowd of people towards the front of the scene. I pulled her arm back forcefully to lead her out of the crowd. Once we were, I turned to meet her gaze. She had been drenched in tears. Her lips quivered as she tried to suppress her anger and tears.

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