Chapter 28

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Something hit against my window and brought me out of my deep thoughts. It had also caught Ally's attention and caused her to jump up in surprise. At first I thought that it was nothing maybe a bird that crashed into my window or something, maybe even a dope who has the wrong house and is trying to serenade me. Yeah I don't think the second theory is even a possibility. But even so, another rock tapped against my window. I turned to look at Ally in confusion and she did the same back. Slowly but surely, we both got up and approached my window, and when I was close enough I was able to see that the dope who was standing outside my window,was not actually a dope. It was Lauren.

Camila's POV

At this realization, I ducked down and hid below my window and brought Ally with me.

"Is that Lauren?" Ally asked then tried to sneak a peak.

I pulled her back down before she even could, "Yes. That's her."

"What is she doing here?"

"Camz, please." I heard Lauren's raspy voice say from below.

"I don't know....Ally-" I paused thinking of a way to hide her from Lauren."Get in the closet." I demanded.

"What?" Ally asked in complete shock and confusion.

"I need you to hide in the closet." I said more firmly, then pulled her up with me and directed her towards the small dark room.

"Why? I don't understand?" She said as I practically shoved her into it.

"I'll explain later. Just please be quiet until I let you out." I begged.

"Okay but-" Ally began to say before I closed the closet door in her face.

I took a deep breath before I approached my window ledge. And when I did, I instantly met Lauren's endearing emerald eyes. My eyes quickly hovered to the object she had been holding in her hands. She was holding a guitar over her black leather jacket, that accompanied a white v neck, black ripped jeans and black strapped heels. When I had finished checking her out, I began to question why she was here and why on earth she was holding the object she hated most in her pale hands.

"Hi." Lauren said breaking the silence.

"Hi...Lauren oh my god, where have you been? Actually what are you even doing here?" I quickly began to bombard her with questions.

"One question at a time bows, but I'm here to do this." She said before she began strumming a surprisingly lovely tune on the guitar. Her heavenly voice soon followed after it.

I've been waiting on the sunset
Bills on my mindset
I can't deny they're getting high
Higher than my income
Incomes bread crumbs
I've been trying to survive

The glow that the sun gets
Right around sunset
Helps me realize
This is just a journey
Drop your worries
You are gonna turn out fine.
Oh, you turn out fine.
Fine, oh, you turn out fine.

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,
And you can let your hair down, eh.
You gotta keep your head up, oh,
And you can let your hair down, eh.

I know it's hard, know it's hard,
To remember sometimes,
But you gotta keep your head up, oh,
And you can let your hair down, eh

I've got my hands in my pockets,
Kicking these rocks.
It's kinda hard to watch this life go by.
I'm buying into skeptics,
Skeptics mess with, the confidence in my eyes

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