Chapter 13

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A/n: Prepare for the tissues.


Camila's POV

It was time. I made my way confidently to Lauren's. I stood up tall, with my chest and nose high in the air, ready to confront her. I've been wanting too since the day after the party. Ever since I gave Darren that little "speech," about choice, I realized that I still had one. And this was because even though, I knew Lauren was trying to use me, I was almost 92% positive that she was feeling something towards me. So I had to ask her. There was a reason why she saved me and just me. A reason why she never wanted to let me go. A reason why she hasn't cut the cord yet. And I had to know why.

As I made it to her doorstep, my hands began to feel sweaty, signaling that beneath my bravery I was truly a coward. I shook it off and knocked on the door anyway. It took no time for the door to swing open and reveal Lauren. She wore her cute bunny slippers, a black the 1975 t shirt and pink pj shorts. Her hair was up in a loose ponytail, but still overall looked stunning. I stood there like a starstruck idiot as she kept her intense gaze on me. After a few seconds, she grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me into her house. She quickly locked the door, then pushed me up against the wall. She put her hands in my waist as she held me in place and crashed our lips together aggressively. I stayed idle, trying to fight her off, because I wanted to get straight to the point.

"Llllaurrrennn." I mumbled over her lips. She ignored me.

"Llauurrenn." I tried again.

She pulled away briefly and said, "Stop talking." before she shoved her tongue down my throat.


I calmed into the kiss and reciprocated it. When she noticed the change in my behavior she calmed and ran her hands down to my butt. Her hands grazed upon the fabric of my jeans before she gave it a light squeeze. I squirmed a bit because of the contact. She noticed and put one of her legs in between mine to keep me in place against the wall. Her upper thigh was hitting against my front innocently. The contact caused me to throb? What the hell? Why am I throbbing? Then it hit me. I quickly pushed her off me and caught my breath.

She wiped her lips with the pad of her thumb and asked, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head lightly and got myself together, " Yeah. I just...lets get done what we need to do first. Then we can talk and stuff."

She smirked mischievously, "Oh I won't just be talking Cabello."

I chocked on my own saliva. Then played it off by clearing my throat. I rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever. Let's just get this project over with."

"Alright but just to get it out of the way, then there won't be anything to interrupt us anymore." She smirked, then pulled me into her room.

There I gave her the lyrics and she created the music. She was actually really good at it. Her and her djing skills I mean. She always knew what went well together and what didn't. She was truly amazing and I couldn't believe that our song came out this good. All that was left was to practice it. Lauren and I distributed the parts within ourselves equally. Apart from singing, my job was to play the guitar and her job was to manage the music she created in order to play in the background of the guitar. I had a good feeling about this song, not simply because it was great but because she had no idea what it was about. This was one of the things I loved about Lauren, apart from her intelligence and beautiful mind, she was oblivious as fuck. And thankfully for me, that was a good thing. Sure, she was able to figure out that I had a crush on her and she used that to her advantage but she never looked in between the lines. Nor wasted the effort to dig under the surface. Which thankfully, has been giving me the opportunity to keep hiding my love.

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