Chapter 3

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Camila's POV

A few days after my encounter with Lauren, we had another.

It was sometime in the afternoon when I was helping Sofi decorate the new tree house my dad had built for her. I had promised her the day before that I would help and that's exactly what we did. When we finished doing so, the place looked as if it belonged to a six year old, which technically it did. And I hated to admit it sometimes but I have the same taste as my sister. We love stuffed animals, bows, cartoons, and enjoyed our youth. So I couldn't be happier with the result of our decoration montage.

I put my arm around Sofi's neck and smiled, "Perfect huh kid."

"Yup. Thanks Kaki." She said hugging my legs.

"No problem Sofi." I replied before I scrunched up my nose, and gave the top of her head a light affectionate squeeze.

Then out of now where, I heard a splash. I let go of Sofi and looked around the tree house. "Did you bring something with water in here?"

She shook her head and pointed. I followed her finger that had been pointing at the house next door.

It had been someone indeed from next door. "Oh, someone just jumped in the pool Sofs." I explained to her.

"Aaah." She said in realization.

I looked back at the pool, curious of who it was. Then I saw her. The top half of her body emerged from pool. She shook her wet brown hair as water dripped down her body. She then pushed her hair back as the sun perfectly reflected off her figure. She wore a pink bathing suit that showed off her curves. I was literately drooling once I noticed how well her top revealed her cleavage. Then suddenly her eyes met mine. Her face was emotionless for a few seconds. All she did was stare. At what I don't know. But her eyes never seemed to leave mine.

Before I knew it, she smirked. The simple curl of her lip made me blush. I looked away almost immediately. I restrained myself from looking back but I felt her penetrating gaze. And eventually, it pulled me back like a magnet. I glanced over again. She was still staring at me. She rested her elbows on the border of the pool and just looked at me with the most unreadable expression.

I began to hyperventilate under her intense gaze.

This is not happening right now. Lauren Jauregui is not looking back at me.

I saw her smirk again and wink. I felt my heart throb. I awkwardly waved at her and she smiled in response. She them picked her self up and out of the pool and looked at me again. She opened her mouth in an O shape and placed her index finger under her chin. She slowly closed her mouth with her finger pushing upwards. Intending to tell me that I had totally been drooling over her and she had noticed.

In response to that I closed my mouth, realizing that my jaw had been dropped. She glanced at me once more before she jumped back into the pool.

"Jesus fuck." I breathed.

"What kaki?"

"Uh cheese and buns. Moms baking buns with cheese inside." I tried to save myself.

"Ooookay..." Sofi said looking at me suspiciously.

"Um Sofi... why don't you go check if mom needs help in the kitchen?" I asked her pushing her towards the exit, eager to look over again.

"Sure..." She said eyeing me.

"Call me if Mami needs my help." I told her helping her down the latter.

"Okay." She replied.

That was close. I couldn't have my little sister think I was into girls. She was to young to understand and it would overwhelm her. I shook my head then glanced back at her. She was now out of her pool and laying on a sun chair, tanning. She looked the same, gorgeous but the only difference now was that I was unable to figure out if she was looking back at me since she now wore sunglasses. The sun continued to hit her glistening skin perfectly. She was still dripping wet, letting herself air dry with the blazing sun and light breeze.

I sighed. I hated living next to someone so perfect. And she doesn't make it any easier by flashing it in my face.

I watched her sit up in an upright position. She then lowered her sunglasses to meet my gaze. She smirked then gently bit her lip... Piercing into my soul with those green orbs of hers. I started to breath heavy. She chuckled lightly then winked. I felt my cheeks turn red. I pushed up my glasses and closed my mouth because I had realized that my jaw had dropped again.

She chuckled lightly at my awkwardness and pushed her sunglasses back on. She then rested her head gently back on the chair, letting her perfect skin soak in the vitamin D. That's when I knew it was my queue to stop being a creep. I shook my head and looked away. And that's the last time we had interacted for a few weeks. I continued to get bullied, she continued to save people, and I continued to notice.

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