Chapter 36

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Camila's POV

The closer I got to her, the more I began to panic. I could hear the loud thumps of my heart telling me to run away. The palms of my hands drenched in sweat, signaling that they too knew this was a bad idea. The air around me was thinning out with each breath I took. Crippling my mind from thinking and even some of my movements. My throat was dry. It felt as if there was this huge lump that prohibited me from talking. From screaming, anything. When I was finally face to face with her. She hugged me. I tried my best to move my arms but they just wouldn't wrap around her. They were numb. Just like the rest of my body was. I tried to move any other part of my body but it wouldn't work. I was stuck. It was like being in that dream. You know, the one where you try to run away but you can't? Or when you try to scream but nothing comes out? Well, that's what it's like. I tried to scream, speak up or even make the slightest noise but all there was, was silence. I saw her lips move, but heard nothing. Suddenly, everything had lost color. I was now in a gloomy black and white world. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see if anything would change but it didn't. I didn't know what was going on with me but as air rushed to my face and my eyes began to slowly close, my head met the ground and that's when everything became clear. Or should I say went blank.


I fluttered my eyes open and my eyes immediately met my white bedroom ceiling. It was blurry. For a second I thought I had died and went to heaven. But then I heard my mother's voice.

"Karla?" My mother almost whispered when she noticed I had woken up.

"Ugh..." I said holding onto my head. "I'm not in heaven?"

"No, Mija." My mother laughed, "You're actually going to wish you have gone there after how you came home today."


"I thought you slept over at Dinah's last night?"

"I did." I lied.

"It looks like you went to a party if you ask me."

"What? A party? No..." I said dragging the last word longer then I should have.

"Explain the dress."

"Oh you know..." I began as I thought of a reasonable excuse. "Dinah and I were invited to a tea party."

My mother cocked her brow in suspicion.

"Her little sister sent an invitation and every thing. We couldn't just say no. And plus she specifically wrote in bold print, Dress formally. So that's why I'm in this thing. It's nice isn't it? Dinah let me borrow it."

My mother gave me the 'that's a bunch of bullshit' look and as she was about to slay my existence, the door opened. Ariana popped her head in and instantly sighed in relief when she say that I had woken up.

My mother gave me a meaningful glance before she pointed at me, "We're not done. I'm going to bust your butt later. But I'll leave you too alone for now."

I smiled appreciatively at my mother before she nodded her head and walked out the door. Ariana closed the door behind her and sat at the edge of my bed. She put her hand over my ankle and gently smiled,
"You're awake."

"Yeah... but I didn't fall asleep did I?"

"No. You fainted."

"I fainted?!"

"Yeah, don't you remember?"

"No. I just remember blacking out."

"Well, that's called fainting." She playfully informed me. "You fainted out of no where and hit your head against the concrete."

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