Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

I couldn't control myself at that moment. I literately exposed every feeling that I had been holding in, for all this time.

Our lips collided vigorously against each other. I felt her run her hands run down to my hips as she settled herself on top of me, straddling me in between her legs. She pushed me down onto the bed, in order to claim full dominance over me. It excited me, holy shit. I snaked my arm around her neck and pulled her further into my mouth. I heard a slight moan from her in response to my dominance. That only made my hunger for her worse. I began to ask for permission to enter, not like I've done it before but like I said I was out of control.

She immediately accepted. Our tongues battles for a while, until she won of course. After her victory, she tasted my mouth. Running her tongue to all corners of my mouth, dominating, and claiming it.

As I began to feel as if I was suffocating, I began to pull away slowly tugging her lip as I departed. Jesus where I did that come from? That sudden rush of confidence...ability... it all seemed to come naturally... because her...I- began to think until I met her gaze.

Her green orbs were dilated and a deeper shade of green. I looked back at her lips as she did the same back, panting excessively. I thought about kissing her again but, I think I'd have an asthma attack if I did. Because believe it or not, this shit took a lot of lung resistance.

As my inner goddess attempted to convince me, my head brought me back into reality. I blinked my eyes a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. And I sure the fuck was not. At this realization, my hand fell from her neck and my jaw dropped. I then realized the position we had been in and how her front had been straddling mine. This was enough to make me turn crimson.

In response to my flustered ness, Lauren smirked."Not bad Camz..." She then lightly chuckled to herself and murmured, "I knew the innocent ones were the freakiest." She smiled, propping her self off me.

I quickly adjusted my self on her bed. Sitting upright and farther away from her. I didn't know what to say, so I did what I knew how to do most, apologize. "I'm so sorry Lauren, I don't know what came over me."

She quirked a brow then lightly chuckled. " Its okay Camz we were just messing around. No biggie." She shrugged. "It was fun."

Fun? That's it? I felt as if her words had struck my heart with it's sharpe fatal edges. Fun.. It was just fun to you? No biggie? That's it?

I felt my eyes begin to fill up with tears. I'm so stupid of course it would only be fun for her. What was I hoping for? That she would feel the same way back? That she'd realize that maybe we could work out if we tried? God I'm so stupid. I need to get out of here. Before she gets the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Or realizing that this pathetic nerd is in love with her.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I told her, propping myself off her bed. But before I could completely make my way out she grabbed my wrist.

"Hey." She said before she noticed a tear escape my eye. Her face was full with concern now, "What... What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I just... I have to go Lauren." I simply told her.

"But you just got here..." She said wiping a tear away with the pad of her thumb. "Come on stay... and please stop crying. I hate watching people cry." She admitted to herself, avoiding my gaze.

I shook my head and turned to look away from her. I hated crying in front of her. Not just because she'd probably get some satisfaction from it, but because she didn't know why I was crying.

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