Chapter 50

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Camila's POV

My jaw dropped when I saw Lauren walk up to the brunette and hit her. Her fist drove into Madison's left cheek like a torpedo hitting it's target. Her hit glided smoothly over Madison's skin and almost looked as if the punch was harmless. But from the pain evident on Madison's tightly scrunched up face, you could tell that it hurt like a bitch. My heart slightly dropped as Lauren shook the pain from her hand. I wasn't imaging it. It really happened. Lauren had just hit a prep. One of her preps.

Madison stood there wide eyed and confused. She couldn't believe that Lauren just punched her. And quite frankly, I couldn't either. A lingering silence filled the room. Everyone in the cafeteria had been staring at the girls anxiously as if waiting for something else to happen.

I didn't want anything else to happen. I wanted Lauren to get out of here and fast because I knew that if she stood around longer, someone would seriously get hurt and I didn't want that someone to be her.

I wanted to run up and grab her hand and pull her away but I knew that if I did, I wouldn't be helping the situation. I would be giving us away. Because after all, in public, I was still a nobody to her. And maybe I always would be. But today wouldn't be the day I'd figure that out. And sometimes I hope that day never comes.

Lauren hyperventilated as she looked into the brunettes eyes. The fire burning within the taller girl's emerald orbs radiated from her paralyzing glare as fear and betrayal masked the other girl's.

Madison whipped the blood off her lip with the back of her hand. The substance completely staining her hand. She looked down at it in pure horror before she hesitantly meet Lauren's gaze. And that was when it clicked. Lauren had just punched her in the face, practically in front of the whole student body. The rage was now evident in her facial features. Her fists clenching as she took in her surroundings. But as her eyes met the brunettes, she couldn't help but look as if she had just been betrayed. As if Brutus had just stabbed Cesar in the back.

Her brows slightly furrowing in confusion as her eyes glossed, "What the fuck Lauren?! What was that for?!" Madison almost yelled, her voice slightly cracking at the end.

Lauren didn't let Madison's state get to her. She looked at the girl with the same hate she had for her a few moments ago and smirked before she shrugged her shoulders and said, "Sorry, I slipped."

With that, she walked out and left.

Madison rubbed her cheek as her friends crowded around her and consoled her.

I didn't even realize it but I was already walking across the cafeteria and to the door. I was following Lauren as she quickly made her way to the courtyard. She was fast. I couldn't deny that. And I couldn't really keep up with her so I ran. And fortunately, as the the air in my lungs was becoming dangerously low, she stopped and sat down at a bench. I stopped and bent over.

As I caught my breath, I looked up to see her figure. She pushed her hand through her hair. Sighing loudly as if she had just done something she regretted. Possibly contemplating if she had done the right thing. And maybe she had. But then again, doing the right thing was overrated.

I slowly walked up to her, trying my best not to scare or disrupt her. But that all failed when I tripped on my own two feet and fell face first into the ground. My side collided with the ground, producing a loud thud.

Lauren's head immediately popped up. She instantly recognized me, "C-Camila?!"

"Lauren." I managed to breath breathlessly before rolling around to look up at her. "Thank god I caught up to you. Jesus Christ did you teleport over here?"

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