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I'm actually in Melaka right now as I'm writing this...(09/03/15) and it's raining really heavily so I'm stuck in the coach XD I'm just glad my class is here lmao.
Anyway, heavy rain equals to inspiration :D
Actually, idk what equals to inspiration ahahahah because it seems like there are some things that are inspirational but others aren't XD
I took the context of the rain and wrote this story, so hope you like it :D
Oh my gosh the rain got heavier ●.●

♦ short story ♦

She ran and ran.

She forced her legs to push her further forward, the rain beating down on her, making the forest floor slippery. Her destination, however, wasn't the forest.

It was the vast, green field that lay beyond.

She broke through the branches and trees, leapt over roots growing out of the ground. She slipped, but skilfully caught her balance once more. She pressed on, eyes squinted as she caught sight of her destination. Wind rippled the summer dress she got for her 15th birthday - before everything started and her world came crashing down, before she began taking the blade and pressing it against her cool skin, before her heart felt so many emotions she wanted to rip it out of her chest. Her hair was soaked through, her breath came in short pants.

She tore through the last of the branches and let out a piercing shriek, letting the tears which had been clinging to her delicate eyelashes finally fall. Her emotions ripped through the falling droplets. She was alone, and it was perfect. It was when her wall of stone she spent time building up every morning before she went and faced the world finally broke down around her. Her heart felt like it had broken the barriers of death from the rush of emotions that hit her like a bullet all at once.

She took a few steps forward, the rain blending with her tears, and she sat on the same rock she always did whenever she came to the field. Rainy days were a day of release for her, and she was always so grateful for them. She did all she could to pray hard for rain, so she could come here to let herself go.

She tilted her head upwards, feeling the rain run down her face, and she took a deep breath as the rain fell harder, the pain escaping her and the relief washing over her in the form of droplets.

Then, a foreign sound came to her ears. She stayed calm, however. The rain was her friend by now. It calmed all her feelings of anxiety or fright, and she felt full ready to know whatever was going on.


He jogged forward faster, the rain trickling down his neck, causing his t-shirt to cling to his toned body. He took harsh breaths of air, the rain pelting down on him harder and harder.

He had run away for the first time.

Just for a little while, that was all. He just wanted to escape from the arguments that his parents caused daily. It hurt him so, so much. He wondered sometimes why they had brought him into the world if they didn't love each other, but they must've loved each other then. Why not now?

He paced himself, the rain making the air fresh. He took huge gulps of it, wanting to have more of the cleansing water that washed the earth of its sins. It brought him relief, and he felt better.

His eye caught a wide field of green ahead. It welcomed him, beckoned him to come closer. He followed the invisible gesture, and continued forward.

The rain, mounted together with his determination to reach the lush field being covered in a thick blanket of rain, drowned out all other sounds by his ears. He pushed the branches away from his face, slowly lifting his feet, avoiding the roots that stuck out of the ground, and slowly pushed away the last branch that separated him from the field.

He noticed a patch of sunflower-yellow standing out amongst the curtain of rain and turned his head to face it. A girl with chestnut brown locks falling down to her chest, although wet with rain, sat on a rock, glistening with the moisture caused by droplets of rain. She wore a sunflower-yellow summer dress - which he recognised as the same yellow he had spotted out of the corner of his eye - and looked at him curiously, yet her eyes - oceans of blue which he felt himself sink into - seemed to hold a mystery which was screaming to be told, urging him to unlock the secrets behind this girl's blank, emotionless eyes.

Yet, however much of strangers they were at that very moment, the second their eyes met, both of them felt their lips twisting up into smiles. Neither of them knew why they reacted that way, but time seemed to freeze, and it was like they were captured in a Polaroid, and a single memory of sweetness and strange tranquility was created.

This would only be the start of their long, long journey down the rocky paths, tasting bittersweet, across the stormy seas, facing challenges, over the mountains that touched the sky, times of pure happiness, all of which represented life.


Ahahahha, I know I uploaded this really late considering the day I started writing it XD I only just finished it, so hope you guys like it! And my brain isn't functioning because it's 11 pm... Also, this is unedited, so if there are any mistakes in the writing feel free to tell me :D

Please comment and feedback so I know what you think :)


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