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I'm sitting in Subway waiting for friends yey so I decided to type out this poem after being inspired by the shopping mall and its many food places :D

• poem ○

Sweet morning scent from restaurants

strong scent of caffeine lingering in the air

she taps her foot waiting for her order

to make its way to her table, fresh.

Bustling noises of trays and trolleys

the chatter of people and life in the air

scents of various delicacies wafting

people coming together in one place to live their lives, for new experiences.

The mug clinks down on the wooden surface

She smiles, drops the notes in the waiter's hand

turns back and cups the mug of warm brew

in her hands, her dainty fingers tapping against its sides

and lifts it to her cherry blossom lips, kissing the edge of the cup.

Fragrance blesses her face in a breath of air

a smile crosses her face,

she smiles and takes in the morning rush hour outside

the people rushing to commute to work, to and fro.

She sits with her book by her side

toasted, buttered croissant in front of her

and she reaches for the book, sipping at her coffee

allowing herself to be entranced by pages and pages of philosophy and truth.

She hears the various children running round the mall with their parents

the joyous laughter and exclamation of being on holiday

and the freedom of being able to run without

the chasing of teachers, constantly on their tails.

She finds it rather beautiful, though

there is the absence of music playing

yet the sounds all around her of people, of life

form strings of melodies and chords.

She enjoys being around life and seeing people living

it makes her own soul feel alive

the bliss of being caught up in the morning rush

and she could never feel more content.

The man in the suit at the corner of the cafe

pulls out a sleek metal laptop and begins his work

probably fixing up his proposals as he takes a bite of sandwich

before he proceeds to the tall building that is his office.

The girl with the honey-coloured hair tied up in a bun

stray strands falling over her shoulders

as her fingers interlace with another pair of hands

belonging to the one on the opposite end of the table.

The busy waiter bustling about, balancing trays and trays in his palm

earning his keep while maintaining a gleeful smile

enjoying what he does in the service of people

loving the clink of dishes - or of a metal spoon against a cup as a customer stirs in a bit of sugar.

She twists the braided bracelets round amd round her wrists

and glances at the silver watch sitting on her dainty hand, turning it over

hears the tinkle of bells as a text pings into her phone

and she checks it, smiling at the heart sent from a worrying mother.

Into her ears drift the sounds of children chatting with their parents

the father and his son out for a morning treat

as the man with ruffled hair fusses over his playful little boy

but sharing a bit of toast and jam, they grin widely at the other in glee.

The bright ring of the bell on the counter

as another order is readied and placed on the smooth, chipped wood

passing crisp notes from a pair of hands to a pair of another's

smiles, and short, fleeting conversation exchanged.

The radio crackles and sweet music fills the air, already heavily-scented with coffee

and as she listens to the lyrics, a bell rings true

so much history in these streets - stories of ages and ages hence, perhaps eternally remaining unknown to us,

but still, having existed, have made their mark in the path of life, somewhere along the line.

She packs up the last of her things, takes a last look around

lets a smile of content slip onto her glossed lips

and bids goodbye to the quaint little place

the place of wonder, love, family, and where life


- fin -

A/N: Last Friday seems like such a long time ago now, but it's when I met up with two dear friends and when this poem first began to take form. :)
I know this is rather short as compared to some of my other poems, but I do hope you like it all the same :D
Choir bootcamp tomorrow, and I'm feeling rather afraid - though I'm not sure why - but I'm just crossing my fingers and praying for the best. :)
Thank you so much again for reading, and please tell me what you think of this, as always :D

Lots of ♡, Bella

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