blissful colour.

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Ah, things are happening in my life again, so I wanted to write this to get it out of my system - kind of :'D
I did listen to Liar by Gentle Bones while writing this, however, so do go check that out on Spotify :)

• poem ○

The heart is a mystery

its motives unclear, its potential endless

could lead us to eternal bliss or suffering

twists us up in knots with the emotion it makes us feel.

Atmosphere growing colder.

The colour that floats around our bodies

a part of us, a tell-tale, the forever truth

those whose eyes witness it possess the knowledge and wit

of understanding hence and of seeing colours beyond man's imagination.


Heart mumbles, goes badum-badum

yet when we face the ones who have somewhat managed to make their way into our souls

the heart skips, stumbles, jitters just a bit off balance

like how we are around them.

Mind over heart or heart over mind?

How useless a theory ever to juggle

for the heart can sometimes rule the mind far beyond one's control

and all rationalism is lost

we must fight to keep hold of our sanity and survival.

Unfathomable things.

The impossibly diamond-like capacity of acceptance and love that exists

within us

but diamond-like it is and soon it turns on us instead

and stabs us through the heart.

Questions and infinite depth.

How long can love withstand the test of time

its degree of galaxy and endless reach

why can one love a soul for no good reason

when they treat you just like any other being?

Gleaming sun sparkles on water.

The wind of your soul messing up the curtains of my covered heart

rattling the blinds and peering in

shaking and causing collision, cold,

breaking through the walls I had tried so hard to put up.

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