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and i
am aware
i know so much is fleeting now and connection is so quick to snap and break
i know people come together so easily (though I never understood it) and that it somehow is just
easy, for some to find another soul
who wants to spend time with them

i know
there is a sense that being by yourself
isn't all that bad either, i
make my way through life not really thinking about
anything else

i know, there is more i have yet to do
more still to grow, because i am still incomplete
and i need to find these pieces of myself still scattered
throughout the world, and put myself together
it is wonderful learning to slowly make yourself whole, after all

and i know these things, and i am reminded of them
through a click and a hold of the minute hand of a clock
as the hour hand whirls in mindless circles

i know
i know

i know

but i
i want to call my person a lover

i am in love with love and with you and with
all the feelings it brings, because

i have never felt this way before, not even six years ago now when i 
first fell in love with her

and i want to be there for your most vulnerable moments
i want to hold your arm as you hold me from behind and

gaze at me in the mirror with loving eyes
i want to get wrapped up in you and so lost in you

i want to dance in your eyes
drawing me closer, i don't think

any song could sum it up as well as that song
taylor swift, "gold rush"

i feel myself falling for you the way she did and i
feel melodies building up and circling inside my head, colour just about

to explode in bursts of light and radiance
reds and golds and mauves and deep pinks and all the beauty of the world

that has to do with

and i want to lay in bed, as i
feel your arms around me

and your breath kissing my shoulder as we
lay in the early morning,

sunlight pouring like honey and music like liquid gold
weaving portraiture in the light streaming through the

and i reach to touch your face with a

hand, as you press your cheek so gently into my
palm, eyes fluttering close and your face so at

i think you look like a million roses and more.

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