for memories & friends.

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The Young & Free spotify playlist made me think of all the good times I have had with my friends, and the songs made me realise how short the time we have with our friends actually is - time is slipping away so fast and a year might seem so long, when in actual fact, it only lasts a second - and before you know it, your time together has come to an end. So, I love you guys, and never forget.

○ poem ●

Fairy lights strung up on the walls

Polaroid pictures hanging from your door

your window

your bedpost, in your albums.

How far away are those memories they hold?

the times they grasp in their hold,

fragile, precious, everlasting?

The times you let down your hair

ran your hands through the silky strands

laughed so hard with them the corners of your lips ached

danced so much with them, leaving your legs exhausted.

The bunch of reckless individuals

all come together in the light of fire and passion

nerve wrecking heart racing hand shaking

incredible chemistry and fireworks in the midst of hectic lives.

Running and escaping, lips curved upwards in laughter

sharing the toughest and best of times

opening up your deepest secrets and stars

intertwining your souls for all eternity

in the web of faith and love.

When you get those thrills of excitement

that rush of adrenaline

that spark in your young, passionate eyes

speeding through the nights together.

Losing yourself in the magic of those nights

the highs you had bursting with light

brighter than the galaxy

or those lit lamps you had in the dark, sitting on your shelf.

The thrill of never knowing

what was coming next and

fearless and attempts to catch your breath

and the pure bliss of having risked.

Cool breeze kissing your faces

bringing fresh opportunity and ripples of life

each day new sunrise and shining stars and soft mellow glows of lights

seeing the other with a breath of relief and welcoming once again.

The pastel hues and piercing colours

and reflections in your eyes

of ages and ages hence and

of the present.

The glow you see when

your hearts are linked

by invisible threads you can never touch

or break - forever.

It's a call on the phone then

you see each other's faces

embrace and laughter take flight

and you can never let go, you can't break apart.

The link you can't deny

the warm words and stories and spinning tales

round and round the darkness in your comforters

face to face in a home you now share.

Racing along street lights and

animating disco balls and flashes of memories

remembering the times when

you were together.

Flash forward to graduation lights

and long coats and their smiles

scrolls and seals mark the end of a journey

but also a beginning.

And tear tracks and final jokes

and rejoicing and bittersweet times

wishing each other the best of luck

and a goodbye.

And it'll be then that you realise

how fast you tried to hold on to time

that just wouldn't wait for you

and slipped out of your fingers in an instant.

But the people and the love you hold in your heart

untouchable, locked away

forever yours to keep

and never to lose or forget.

Believe me for the words I say

when you feel the times are oh so exhilarating

and exciting and heart-pumping and your eyes are fire

those are the dearest and fastest times

fixated in your mind, your soul.

And you won't forget

even after the dust covers your tokens of memories you had

even after your eyes shine with newfound light and the future

because they will forever be a part of you.

You and them forever

the smiles and precious sparks of love and sweet youth

hanging like these threads of memories


- fin -


A/N: thank you all for reading this and I love you all so much.

Please tell me what you think :)

Love, Bella♡

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