merci, mon ami.

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Saturday's choir performance (23/7/16) at the National Gallery had me thinking of lots of emotional things afterwards - and combined with late night studying for a geography test as well as the playing of music in the background and procrastination - I decided to begin writing this :D
Do keep in mind, however, that this was based off of something rather long ago - so if you're wondering, I do not like anyone at the moment, and I now simply love them as a good friend :)
Anyway, hope you like this :)

Songs used:
'I Was Made For Loving You/Please Don't Say You Love Me' - Kina Grannis, Gardiner Sisters (cover/mashup)


Listen to the cover of 'Gravity' by AJ Rafael & the Gardiner Sisters while reading this - it's the song I listened to while writing this, even though it's not the same lyrics I've used, but I feel that it really sets the right mood for this story. Thank you all :)


• short lyrics paragraphs ○

[Please don't scar this young heart]

When I first met you, it was awkward because we were fixed pairs for so many things, and I had never met you before. You didn't seem like the most welcoming of people, and I was - apprehensive?

I was afraid you would think I was a nerd, simply an ugly girl who you would never want to associate with, and my insecurities were plaguing me. The first of your identities known to me was a gymnast - and I felt intimidated because being a gymnast was something I would never even be able to dream about.

However, it was incredible how quickly we clicked - from the first moment I turned to you and said hello, it was always a never-ending stream of conversation. This did result in us being unable to finish our work in time more than once, my bad - but all the times spent with each other were fulfilling, and we always could confide in each other about everything. Now that I think back on it, I'm not sure how our friendship actually ever managed to progress to how it is today - when was the first time I told you about her anyway? - but I'm glad it did.

Along with that, however, I began to notice you more.

I admired the way your shoulders were broad, how firm you seemed, how I knew I could always rely on you. I loved the way you were ever so graceful in doing everything you did, how you were so strong, yet you did everything so delicately, the tiniest and most concentrated of strength going into the most miniscule of actions.

You captured me easier than I thought you would - you drew me out of my long-lasting heartache over her, yet you did so by pulling me straight into another one.

[Just take my hand]

Thankfully, however, it was not something so passionate it made me want to break. I will not exaggerate and say I loved you more than I ever did anyone else, because that was what I felt with her, not you. Still, it was undeniable that you had twisted my emotions round your fingers with your fine, delicate movements - it was only that the strings weren't so taut, and I wasn't completely under your spell.

You were the only person I could really talk to about everything, and I loved that we could perfectly understand each other because we had both been through the same things before. I knew you had a lot of trust in me - I had a lot in you too.

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