onyx rose

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dominhospizza's "HUE" - i love you so much and thank you for always being there for me.♡

○ poem ●

If so she wishes to kiss the earth

So be it

She is a rose, delicate and dainty

And one of its own.

Yet her roots extend far below the soil

And she dominates.

She usurps all the energy from the earth

Draining it dry, leaving it bare.


Her petals begin to turn ashen

The pollen she released was toxic.

The ground cracked, dry, deprived

Of nutrition and emotion.

She loved to paint,

And her favourite colour was onyx.

And so onyx she became.

Darker than the surface of the moon

During a full eclipse.

Once blossoming, vibrant hues of deep red

Millions of varying streaks and shades of the colour

Spiralling and weaving themselves into her calyx

She now reflects jet-black.

Purer than the quartz itself

With thorns sharper than the edges of the crystal.

She is invincible, nobody can break her or change her.

Onyx rose.

She is the scarlet-lipped seductress

That leads men into exquisite, bright buildings

And leaves them hanging empty and hollow the next morning.

She is that of the night time owl

Forever watching for her prey

And when she does spot it

Swoops down, captures and kills in an instant.

She is the venomous snake

Her fangs like blades

Once she grasps hold of your heart she will never let go

And taint your blood with the taste of death.

She is that of a hunter's arrow

She picks out her targets with precision

aims and shoots, never misses

and hits with deadly accuracy - instant kill.

She is that of the cunning black wolf

Slips through the night unnoticed

Tricks you immediately and hooks you, leads you on

Only to lead you straight into the wolf's mouth.

She is that of a drug

She takes you through the most heart-stopping and risk-filled of times

Only to dry you out by the end

Without a sense of direction or whim -

Confused, distraught.

She is the onyx rose.

Passionate in her desire for souls

Her own darker and far more lost than


Onyx rose

Without a mask of love

Walls round herself, impenetrable barriers

Assured death should you venture near.

Onyx rose

The lacking of a heart

And so she seeks to steal millions

To quench her thirst for love.

Sweet onyx rose with your scent of death

Entangle me with your stems

Stretching and extending thorns growing more menacing

Ending my breath with a prick to the throat.

You kill all the life around you

With your stubborn will and greed

For the preservation of only your soul and body

Never those of others.

Oh onyx rose

You are so, so terribly vain

You admire your reflection in the broken glass shards

Belonging to the souls of others who loved you - the people you never cared for.

Onyx rose

Astonishing, how you decorate your aesthetic

With the blood and broken hearts adorning your petals

Dancing round your face in eccentric patterns.

Dear onyx rose

Betray me, split my heart in half

I will remain stronger than you ever will

Tougher than a diamond

And I

I will carve it in stone to mark the end of your reign

Break the jewelled crown you wear so pridefully on your pretty little head

Rip your royal satin robes and tear them down

I will turn your own wrath against you

Make you understand the bitterness you caused others.

And I

I will make sure that you never do more harm again -

Than goodwill.

- fin -

So here is onyx rose - after working on it in the hours I spent in the mrt for three days in a row after school :D
On a side note I have finally finished all five tests that I was scheduled to have this week so hurray - there are still two PTs and smaller portions of two others due next week though so it's time to cram everything help

Please do tell me what you think of this poem - I think it's a little different as compared to all of my previous ones. :)

♡, Bella.

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