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That morning was busy, the exams were happening in a few days so the round tables on the cafeteria were full of people eating while surrounded by books and classmates/friends to study with, it was unusual to see everyone like this but most has at least one history and math exams and their teachers aren't exactly known for being kind. 

"It's kinda quiet today" Minnie was the first to speak before taking a sip from her soda, watching the other girls trying to focus on what's on their books but not without glaring at the older for the annoying and loud slurping noise.

"Please don't jinx-" 

There's a loud crashing sound followed by a high pitched scream and the group sighs in defeat.

"It's Shuhua and Soojin" They heard from another table. 

Again?! " From the table behind them.

"OOh they're at it again" It came from the girls in the front. 

The door of the cafeteria were slammed open by Yeh Shuhua who dodged just in time the white sneaker thrown in her direction by Seo Soojin with all her fury. 

"You're crazy!" The girl yelled at the cheerleader who was now hopping in her direction in one foot, considering throwing her other shoe at the basketball player. 

"You're an asshole!" The blonde replied, now taking her other shoe and throwing it at the younger who was able to catch it before it hit a random student that had nothing to do with their fight.

Soyeon, Yuqi, Minnie and Miyeon watched their fighting with tired faces, it wasn't the first time this happened, the two girls couldn't be in the same place without arguing; Shuhua couldn't stop herself from annoying Soojin who would always end up throwing something at her and escalating the whole argument. 

It's been like this since they first met and they don't think it's ever gonna change.

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