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Soojin pulled her scarf up to cover her mouth as she rubs her hands together; The weather had suddenly shifted from light wind to really cold by the end of the classes but thankfully she had brought her scarf and gloves just in case; Too bad that wasn't enough considering her skirt; The girl was standing by the parking lot as she watches the sea of students eagerly make their way out of school, glad that school day was over for the day. 

As for the head cheerleader, she stood there thanks to Shuhua's request early that day; The younger had something to say and so there was Soojin waiting for her and hoping this wasn't any of her jokes, otherwise she might use her scarf to choke her for making her wait in the cold. 

"Soojin" She turned around and saw Shuhua walking towards her, wearing a big coat that Miyeon had given on her birthday early that year; She pretended she didn't like it but was always wearing it on cold days. "Let's go?"

"Uh?" The older asked in confusion. "I thought you were going to tell me something-"

Shuhua nods. "I will, but we can walk and talk. Right?" She gestured for Soojin to walk with her and so the older did, both ignoring some of the students looking at the very well known pair of enemies walking together in what looked like peace. "I don't want you to get home late, your parents would be upset"

Soojin shrugs. "They don't really care, they're always busy with work" She comments as they make their way out of the parking lot and start to walk down the sidewalk. "What you wanted to talk about?" 

"Would you really help me get together with my crush?" Shuhua asked, suddenly and Soojin felt like she almost tripped on thin air by this question; Especially how calm Shuhua sounds. 

Soojin pulls her scarf down so she can talk properly. "I mean… Yeah-"

"She has a boyfriend," Shuhua added. "Are you going to help me to break them up?" 

Soojin is silent as she stops mid walk while Shuhua keeps walking before she realizes the older had stopped coming along, stopping as well and looking back at Soojin with a confused look; Soojin would help, almost, anyone with their love life. Even Shuhua.

But to ruin someone else's relationship...

"No, that I can't do," Soojin said, looking down awkwardly. "Maybe you really should move on instead of trying to hurt other people like that" 

"But I want her"

How was she supposed to answer that? Should she yell at the younger? It was her duty as the older, right? Put her in the right path and correct her. Yet the awkwardness she felt for some reason wasn't because of what Shuhua had asked to do, but because of something she couldn't quite explain. 

The idea that Shuhua loved someone so much to the point of wanting to do that surprised her; and bothered her for some reason.

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