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"I want to be a singer, that's my plan for the future" Hui commented as he drank his soda, they took a break to talk with each other while enjoying their drinks; Shopping was more tiring than she expected so she decided to blame the cold. "But my parents aren't really supportive of that, so I might need a backup plan" He added and Soojin nodded, understanding. 

"At first I wanted to be a doctor like my parents, But I really liked dance and I'm considering doing it for a career" She smiled. "Shuhua said I'm a good dancer" 

Hui chuckled. "If she said that then I'm sure it's true; She tends to be…" She watched as he tried to think of a polite way to put it. "Brutally honest?" He suggested. "So I don't think she would lie to you"

"How did you and Shuhua meet by the way?" Soojin suddenly asked, feeling curious and Hui took another sip of his soda. 

"We used to be in the cooking club together," He replied and Soojin was surprised as she didn't think Hui would like that. "I entered because I want to learn how to bake cookies for my sister," He laughed, embarrassed. 

Soojin smiled. "That's cute"

He shrugged. "I like kids'' he then tapped his chin as he came back to the Shuhua topic. "Oh, Back then she needed a lot of help with the ingredients so I would help her" He replied but Soojin felt like his answer was somewhat vague.

As for Hui, he believed Shuhua herself wouldn't like him going around telling about how he found her on the cooking club after classes on the verge of tears because she couldn't understand some of the words in the recipe; She was so prideful, she didn't liked others seeing her sad and back then he pretended to believe when she said her eyes were red from allergies and not from tears; He helped her with some words and he gave her his mom's cheesecake recipe since she wanted one for Yuqi's birthday and in exchange she told him how she baked the cookies she was planning to give to Minnie. 

So they became somewhat friends in a way, cooking buddies as one would call it, despite the "anti-boys" barrier that Yuqi and Minnie had going on when it came to their younger friend. 

"I know the girls from there liked her a lot," Soojin mentioned and Hui laughed.

"Oh they adored her; I don't know what it is, the girls just would always stay around her even if she didn't need any help" He always thought it was funny how much attention she could get just from acting cute, he was pretty sure the others boys from the club, the ones who entered thinking they would get a girlfriend out of it somehow, were all jealous of her. "I get the feeling some of them still want to date her" 

The comment was enough to make Soojin clench her hand under the table. 


"Yeah, Like take Hyewon for example" He started, oblivious to how Soojin's smile vanished and she had now a blank expression. "She's so extroverted and bold, but just let her stay next to Shuhua and she gets all shy" He laughed as he remembered the girl's struggle to talk to Shuhua. "She can't even look into her eyes properly"

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