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Yuqi walked down the School's hallway in silence as she glanced over her shoulder and saw Shuhua walking right behind her, also in silence but her eyes staring straight into her soul as the older speed up her walk, only for the younger to do the same until they were in front of the girl's bathroom and Shuhua finally reached for Yuqi's arm and pulled her with her as she entered the bathroom. 


"You have been ignoring me," Shuhua said. "What happened?"

"I'm not ignoring you!" She said "You know I would never do that, It's just-" Yuqi scratches the back of her head as she feels embarrassed. "You guys are always in a group and I don't know how to act around Soyeon"

"Do you like Soyeon?" Shuhua asked, firm. 

Yuqi shrugs. "I don't know… She's a good friend and I like hanging out with her but-"

Shuhua smiles bitterly. "You don't know if you want to date her?"

Yuqi stared at the ground. "Yeah"

"You should still give her an answer," Shuhua said. "It's no good to keep someone waiting, she's not gonna move on if you don't let her"

"It's why you didn't move on either?" Yuqi asked, not wanting to sound rude or anything, but Shuhua was not the person to give advice about moving on when she knew that the taiwanese were still so in love. "You never confessed your feelings to-"

"Hey!" Shuhua interrupted. "This is not about me"

"I'm just saying" Yuqi said "Maybe if you confessed your feelings-"

"Why would I do that?" Shuhua asked. "So I can get rejected and make things awkward? I didn't confess the first time for a reason, it wasn't meant to be. Let it go" 

"You didn't" Yuqi mumbled.

Shuhua decided to ignore that and just gestured for them to get out of the bathroom already and let this conversation die. 

She hated how this topic keeps on being brought up with more frequency than she likes to.




"So we don't talk much" Soyeon said to Miyeon and Soojin as they stood by the parking lot, leaning against Soojin's car who had dragged the younger around so they could properly talk about the awkward mood between her and Yuqi. "I think Yuqi is scared to tell me the truth"

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